Parameterizing neural power spectra into periodic & aperiodic components.
- 0
spectparam and fooof output not the same
#337 opened by mayucel - 2
- 2
- 2
- 1
Alternative Knee Model
#312 opened by ryanhammonds - 2
- 6
fooof for mouse data EEG
#331 opened by kshtjkumar - 2
- 2
Frequency Range not working
#327 opened by TurboAlpaca - 1
Performance "regression" in 2.0.0rc2
#326 opened by toni-neurosc - 7
fooof v.1.1 not yet updated on conda forge
#315 opened by TomDonoghue - 6
- 1
Specparam2rc doc buggy example
#324 opened by danieltomasz - 0
Finalizing 2.0 release plan
#322 opened by TomDonoghue - 6
[ENH] to_df to also return the gaussian parameters
#319 opened by chapochn - 3
specparam - FOOOF confusion
#318 opened by chapochn - 2
- 2
[Question] ERROR regarding Lower-bound peak width limit is < or ~= the frequency resolution: 1.00 <= 1.00
#317 opened by stellafychang - 1
- 2
- 10
- 1
Problem on retrieving aperiodic and peak data from Group object with get_data
#316 opened by maschpall - 2
- 3
units/scaling for PW and min_peak _height?
#309 opened by SusanL82 - 1
Consider checking / changing default values
#303 opened by TomDonoghue - 0
Developing a system for benchmarking
#304 opened by TomDonoghue - 4
Run modes
#292 opened by mwprestonjr - 1
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Scaling / Y-axis units?
#255 opened by SusanL82 - 4
Q: Gaussian error-bar
#238 opened by reihanehk - 2
Underfitting advice
#250 opened by scp010 - 2
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Argument to show plot
#249 opened by kwcooper - 6
Lower bound peak inconsistency
#244 opened by SomeUserName1 - 0
- 1
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FOOOF.save_report() is constrained
#256 opened by mwprestonjr - 3
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Removing the pink noise
#261 opened by MZeydabadi - 4
Trouble downloading FOOOF to Ananconda 3 environment
#233 opened by kkauraiims - 1
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- 0
- 0
Modified Knee Fit
#234 opened by ryanhammonds - 0
Adjusted r-squared
#251 opened by mwprestonjr - 2
difficulty understanding aperiodic fits
#231 opened by shenweiss - 2
Inconsistency between algorithm and code
#230 opened by rcassani