
No support for adding the library to projects via Git URL in project manifest

snarlynarwhal opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello, thanks for making and open-sourcing this cool library!

I know I could just download the files and toss them into my project, but an easier way to integrate it in a way that also lets developers get the latest updates would be to create a custom package:

That way developers can just add the Git URL to the project manifest and get the package:

Alternatively, making it an official Unity Asset makes it easy to download and update packages.

Instead of adding the git repo to the Unity manifest, even if it is simple and quick, I prefer having the files in the project because it makes it easier to change files on those assets. Having the source code files on the project is what allows me to easily do that.
Still, I could add support to it, but that would require time and I can't do that right now because of the fact that I have to learn how to, install Unity 2019 (I'm using Unity 2018 LTS rn) and I don't have much time right now. But I'm open to pull requests.

It looks like you can open package files from the Project window by clicking Packages instead of Assets:


Although, I'm not sure how modifying them works in regards to the manifest and repository though. I'm guessing that the manifest might overwrite these to keep the state in sync with that of the repository. I don't usually make or edit packages so, I need to learn more about it myself.

I can look into this some more after the holidays and get back with more info.

Ok, perfect. I can only work in a project I'm doing at the moment (one that is in fact using a variation of this asset. It is not generic anymore in my project so I didn't update this one), without time to spare for other things (even this holidays) so I'm not in a hurry about this at all.
If you feel it's worthy to make the changes needed for it to work as a package and want to make them, please feel free when you have time.