- 0
Required fields should have * in label
#36 opened by mukeshp004 - 0
Using range stores values as strings
#34 opened by Wombatpm - 3
integrate with angular-wizard and angular-formly
#33 opened by NayHaPal - 0
multiple selection
#32 opened by marcoiacobelli - 4
No error messages?
#5 opened by piernik - 2
Please Brach to Version with Examples
#30 opened by movibe - 9
Don't use recursive packaging
#29 opened by ChALkeR - 0
Add stacked inputs and floating labels
#23 opened by mhartington - 2
Allow custom ng-options in select
#21 opened by nrcrabbe - 2
input icons
#19 opened by Evanion - 9
- 4
#14 opened by mhartington - 7
Adding "rows" to textarea element?
#16 opened by aaronksaunders - 1
Select and Radio templates
#15 opened by kinggolf - 0 api-check script issue
#12 opened - 3
the example is not working anymore
#11 opened by zippoB - 2
Templatecache urls wrong?
#8 opened by fifafu - 4
Bower angular 1.2 depency
#4 opened by piernik - 2
publish to npm
#3 opened by kentcdodds - 7
#1 opened by kentcdodds - 10
#2 opened by mhartington