- 3
Need Support For SQL
#37 opened by Kaushl2208 - 0
Need Support for Julia Lang
#34 opened by Kaushl2208 - 1
Provide an Issue Template
#51 opened by soham4abc - 5
Code Formatting and Linting is required.
#39 opened by Kaushl2208 - 3
- 3
Documentation needs to be updated
#41 opened by Kaushl2208 - 6
String Metadata Extraction
#36 opened by Kaushl2208 - 3
Setting up a Docker Image.
#40 opened by Kaushl2208 - 0
Wrong comment captures
#14 opened by GMishx - 8
Comment terminates on special character
#27 opened by Aman-Codes - 7
Adding support for new languages
#18 opened by Aman-Codes - 5
.hpp is not identified as CPP file
#15 opened by GMishx - 1
Importing nirjas triggers print statement
#9 opened by hastagAB - 2
Add CI to Nirjas
#12 opened by hastagAB - 0
UnitTest need to be updated
#7 opened by Kaushl2208