Code (in Matlab and R) to perform a spherical rotation (permutation) of a parcellated cortical map.
- 4n4574514University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
- 867727390
- AngelikaZaLondon
- AthinaRA
- BPaton
- Changwen-WuSouth China Normal University
- dzjin5678Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- ella09may
- HoumanAzizi
- HusBunia
- JanevaDINS UMR1106
- jarodroland
- jhx9327
- KGZaker
- KirstieJane@alan-turing-institute @the-turing-way
- kkumar-iitkgpMontreal, Canada
- manfredgCambridge
- Medivh1A
- MrBurnst
- peterzhukovskyCAMH
- plscallmejoThe First Affiliated Hospital, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine
- rb643
- seasonle
- sidchopYale University
- singlespUniversity of Pennsylvania
- sje30University of Cambridge
- xiaoyi-142
- XiaoyuXu750
- ychgong
- younghooChina
- zhaocui0116
- zhenglukaiMunich, Germany
- zihao-cpuUESTC
- ziyzhao
- zoelir729