
bgfx runtime shader compiler. Library version of the bgfx shaderc tool to build bgfx shaders from sources at runtime.

Primary LanguageLua


Hack of the bgfx shaderc tools in library version to compile bgfx shaders source at runtime. Inspired from Lumix engine code.

  • It use the original shaderc code without doing any modification, it's just a wrapper (easy to keep updated with bgfx).
  • Compiled shaders are built at application runtime in memory without any write file access to disk.


Drop content in bgfx folder and build bgfx as usual. This will build 'brtshaderc' a library version of shaderc than can be linked to your project.


#include <brtshaderc.h>

// compile vertex shader, with default arguments.
const bgfx::Memory* memVsh =  shaderc::compileShader(shaderc::ST_VERTEX, "vs_cubes.sc");
bgfx::ShaderHandle vsh = bgfx::createShader(memVsh);

// compile fragment shader, with specific arguments for defines, varying def file, shader profile.
const bgfx::Memory* memFsh =  shaderc::compileShader(shaderc::ST_FRAGMENT, "fs_cubes.sc", "myDefines", "varying.def.sc", "ps_5_0");
bgfx::ShaderHandle fsh = bgfx::createShader(memFsh);

// build program using shaders
mProgram = bgfx::createProgram(vsh, fsh, true);

or using arguments list syntax style (same as binary version) :

int argc = 0;
const char* argv[16];
argv[argc++] = "-f";
argv[argc++] = "vs_cubes.sc";
argv[argc++] = "--varyingdef";
argv[argc++] = "varying.def.sc";
argv[argc++] = "--type";
argv[argc++] = "v";
argv[argc++] = "--platform";
argv[argc++] = "windows";
argv[argc++] = "--profile";
argv[argc++] = "ps_4_0";

const bgfx::Memory* memVsh = shaderc::compileShader(argc, argv);
bgfx::ShaderHandle vsh = bgfx::createShader(memVsh);