Simple library for converting coordinates to/from several geodetic frames and managing incoming GPS information.
- Stores a frame as a reference
- Converts between various co-ordinate systems: WGS84, ECEF, ENU, NED (see 'Notes' below)
Creates a reference frame based on initial GPS measurements
- number of initial GPS measurements to wait for and average over
(sensor_msgs/NavSatFix) - GPS sensor information
Publishes position information based on GPS measurements and initialised reference frame
- true if GPS readings received from /gazebo using Hectors plugin, false if received from actual deviceframe_id
- string in header field of output messages ("world" is the default one if it's not specified)
(sensor_msgs/NavSatFix) - GPS sensor information
(geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped) - local ENU co-ordinates in initialised reference frame
- ros
- geometry_msgs
- sensor_msgs
Co-ordinate systems supported:
- WGS84 - Global Positioning System - [latitude, longtitude, height]
- ECEF - Earth-Centred, Earth-Fixed - [x,y,z] in Earth frame
- ENU - East, North, Up - [x,y,z] in local frame
- NED - North, East, Down - [x,y,z] in local frame
Enric Galceran, Marija Popović - ETHZ ASL - 15 October 2015