- 0
`okla` scraper failing
#1275 opened by grossir - 2
`sc` scraped docket numbers are incorrect
#1188 opened by grossir - 0
- 0
Standardize downloading methods
#1264 opened by grossir - 0
Clean up `ala` scraped case names
#1272 opened by grossir - 0
NYSD court bans by IP in case of non 200 http response?
#1268 opened by Lezh1k - 0
Improve `ind` scraper
#1266 opened by grossir - 5
Second set of initials in Pacer Titles
#1263 opened by dksentencingstats - 1
- 2
`kan` and `kanctapp` scrapers not working properly
#1222 opened by grossir - 0
Fill `kanctapp_u` 2015-2020 gap
#1262 opened by grossir - 0
Implement `extract_from_text` to collect P3d regional citations for `or` and `orctapp`
#1226 opened by grossir - 1
Fill `vt` 2022 and 2023 gaps
#1259 opened by grossir - 0
Colo Ct App Scraper Broken
#1257 opened by flooie - 0
Fill `coloctapp` October gap
#1248 opened by grossir - 2
Case Name Short Fails Commonwealth's
#1244 opened by flooie - 2
`coloctapp` returned HTML has changed again
#1198 opened by grossir - 0
Collect regional citations for `pasuperct` from API
#1252 opened by grossir - 2
New `mass` scraper failing
#1249 opened by grossir - 2
Massachusetts may be blocking
#1237 opened by flooie - 1
- 0
Make `pa` scraper paginate results
#1253 opened by grossir - 3
`ohioctapp` scrapers not working
#1193 opened by grossir - 0
Vaccine Scraper Test way too slow
#1241 opened by flooie - 2
`utah` scraper is failing
#1220 opened by grossir - 3
Washington State Website down for 2 weeks and counting.
#1236 opened by sentry-io - 1
juriscraper.opinions.united_states.state.coloctapp: 2024-12-14 date is in the future. Case 'The P...
#1228 opened by sentry-io - 9
How to get Georgia case information
#1238 opened by BBC-Esq - 0
Readme is out of date
#1239 opened by flooie - 0
- 1
`la` scraper skipping some opinions
#1195 opened by grossir - 5
`uscfc` scraper is not working
#1221 opened by grossir - 3
`or` scraper is failing
#1200 opened by grossir - 1
Fill `or` 2019 - 2023 gap
#1225 opened by grossir - 0
- 5
Backscrape `sc_u` and `scctapp_u`
#1189 opened by grossir - 1
Fill `lactapp_1` 2019 - 2021 gap
#1211 opened by grossir - 2
Fill `lactapp` 2024 gap
#1194 opened by grossir - 1
`neb` scraper failing
#1207 opened by grossir - 1
Fill `lactapp_5` 2019-2024 gap
#1217 opened by grossir - 2
Add Oregon Tax Court scraper `ortc`
#1203 opened by grossir - 1
- 1
- 1
IntegrityError: null value in column "docket_number" of relation "scrapers_pacerfreedocumentrow" violates not-nul...
#1205 opened by sentry-io - 0
Some `dcd` docket numbers need disambiguation
#1199 opened by grossir - 2
`ca11` oral argument scraper broken
#1178 opened by grossir - 1
`cadc_u` opinion scraper is failing
#1181 opened by grossir - 1
`illappct` oral argument scraper fails sometimes
#1183 opened by grossir - 0
`ariz` improvements
#1185 opened by grossir - 2
`sc` scraper broken, site has changed
#1177 opened by grossir