Support Emacs community developers

Consider supporting the developers behind Emacs, great packages and educational resources. Often, a package is used by tens of thousands of people while the maintainers can barely pay the bills.

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Core Emacs


Steve Purcell

Creator of MELPA and a popular ”purcell/emacs.d” config.

I’ve worked hard since 2012 to make MELPA the best place to find high-quality emacs lisp packages for any workflow, and thousands of people use my own elisp packages and my popular Emacs configuration. Beyond Emacs, I’m a contributor to dozens of other active developer tooling projects across many languages.

I always take extra time to help other developers level up, and to model how I believe every inclusive, friendly open source community should work. I do this for love, but it means a lot to me that some people appreciate my contributions enough to become patrons - thank you!

Support Steve:


Doom Emacs

Henrik Lissner

Support Henrik:




Adam Niederer

Alexey Kutepov

Bastien Guerry

Maintainer of Org mode. Support Bastien:

Boris Buliga

Bozhidar Batsov (bbatsov)

Hacker. Emacs fanatic. VP of Engineering @toptal. Author of Prelude, Projectile, cider and others.

Support Bozhidar:

Chris Wellons

Damien Cassou

Daniel Mendler (minad)

Étienne Deparis

Francois-Xavier Bois

Creator of web-mode. Support Francois-Xavier:

Ivan Yonchovski

Jen-Chieh Shen

John Miller

Jonas Bernoulli

Maintainer of Magit.

Magit is an interface to the version control system Git, implemented as an Emacs package. Magit aspires to be a complete Git porcelain. While we cannot (yet) claim that Magit wraps and improves upon each and every Git command, it is complete enough to allow even experienced Git users to perform almost all of their daily version control tasks directly from within Emacs.

I’ve been maintaining Magit since mid-2013, and like to think that it took a huge leap forward during that time.

Support Jonas:

Jorgen Schäfer

Creator of elpy, circe and others. Support Jorgen:

Leo Vivier

Co-organizer of EmacsConf, co-maintainer of Org Roam.

Support Leo: Github

Matus Goljer

Maintains and co-maintains smartparens, dash, dired-hacks, litable and others.

I write a blog about Emacs (and other things).

While working towards my financial independence, an additional income stream means I can do less contracting work and focus more on Emacs and the community, something I am very passionate about.

Support Matus:

Nicolas Petton

Oleh Krehel (abo-abo)

Creator of ace-window, lispy, org-download and others.

I give willingly, and strive to give as much as I can, after I do my 9-to-5 job that lets me stay alive. With enough success of my donation campaign, I could switch to a 4 days per week work. Having one whole day per week to be free to do what I want would mean very much to me: I could undertake more complex tasks that require multiple hours of concentrated work, instead of just doing 1-2 hours of maintenance work every evening after a full work day.

Support Oleh:

Protesilaos Stavrou

Creator of denote, modus-themes, and other packages.

Provides private lessons or services on Emacs, Linux, and life in general.

Ted Zlatanov

Thierry Volpiatto

Creator and maintainer of Helm.

Maintaining Helm requires a lot of work, which I have done voluntarily since 2011. As it demands lots of my time it gets increasingly difficult maintaining it without financial help.

Thanks to all the people that are helping or have helped Helm development, but they are actually too few to continue serenely. By the way, after the release of version 3.0 I will have to stop developing Helm seriously until I get enough financial support, only providing a minimal bugfix maintenance. Thanks for your understanding If you feel Helm is making your daily work easier, please consider making a donation.

Thank you!

Support Thierry:

Vasilij Schneidermann (wasamasa)

Books, tutorials, blogs, other

David Wilson (System Crafters)

Support David:

Emacs Elements

Positron’s Emacs Channel

Sacha Chua

I try to share as much as I can through this personal blog. You’ll find notes about sketchnoting, Emacs, visual book reviews, self-tracking, blogging, life, automation, delegation… whatever I’m learning about or whatever I can help other people learn.

Support Sacha:

Xah Lee

Writes a blog and tutorials on ergonomic Emacs.

Support Xah:


Support EmacsConf:


Feel free to add more developers to this list. Their work should be relevant to the Emacs community and support links should be pointing to actionable pages (donations, patreon subscriptions, stores, etc).

There is another list at