TCPLS: Modern Transport Services with TCP and TLS


Artifact Summary

The main artifact is the TCPLS implementation available as a C implementation compiling to:

  1. A library to embed into an application

  2. A Command Line Interpreter for launching a client/server application directly available from the built process. Many configurations are possible. All experiments in this paper have been realized with the client/server tooling.

The source code contains 9k additional lines of C code atop of the initial picotls library.

Besides the main implementation, there are the following materials:

  • Plot scripts to re-generate all of the paper's figures.
  • shell scripts to generate the experiments
  • Readme information to re-generate the data of several of the paper's figures.

Regenetate the figures


  • python3
  • pip
  • texlive
  • texlive-latex-extra
  • cm-super
  • dvipng
  • matplotlib
  • pandas

On a debian-based system:

apt install python3 pip texlive texlive-latex-extra cm-super dvipng
python3 -m pip install matplotlib
python3 -m pip install pandas
git clone
cd pretty_plotify
./ <ext> where ext in {pdf, png, eps}

All figures should then be in pretty_plotify/plots/

Regenerate Results

You may want to use docker and ubuntu 20.04 to reproduce those results. Install docker and pull a ubuntu 20.04.

 docker run -it --rm --privileged -e DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix <IMAGE>

Running it in privileged mode is required by IPMininet.


You will need IPMininet inside the docker, or in your machine if you don't go with the docker option. Your best shot would be doing (inside the docker):

pip install --upgrade git+
python3 -m ipmininet.install -q

You will need a compiling environment, and the following packages:

  • cmake
  • pkg-config
  • libssl-dev
  • sudo (for IPMininet)
git clone

Follow the Readme to compile picotcpls.

Application-level Migration

Follow the Readme located at

Following the results obtained, you can place them in pretty_plotify/results of the tcpls_conext21 repository and execute ./

CC injection

checkout picotcpls's tcpls/bpf branch, and find the readme instructions in t/ipmininet/

Raw throughtput

Reproducing the same results requires the same physical setup. However, you may want to play with picotcpls's CLI to setup client/server and test the features

you'll find the binary cli at the root of picotcpls's repository after compilation.

cli -h

gives you all possibilites. You may want to run some tests in a pre-configured network. Please read the instructions at the end of picotcpls's readme to play with a client/server in IPMininet.

Figures involving MPTCP.

Follow this repository's readme:

It will give you steps to reproduce MPTCP vs TCPLS results inside a Vagrant box. Eventually the log files obtained, and the timing events obtained need to be feeded to the plot script within this repository.