
GPU-based image RGBL histogram calculation and rendering

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


GPU-based image RGBL histogram calculation and rendering.


FastHistogram uses Metal framework to calculate and draw high-FPS histograms for both iOS and macOS. It provides two components for generation and rendering which can be used independently.

RGBL histogram shows Red, Green, Blue and Luminocity channels bar chart for an image. Bar height represents a count of pixels with a corresponding color or luminocity.


Pixel colors inside the sRGB color space are not linear, but with Gamma coefficient applied. FastHistogram supports both linear and gamma-encoded histogram generation and rendering.


Use Xcode's built-in Swift Package Manager:


There are two main classes to work with histograms:

  • HistogramGenerator uses HistogramTexture filled with pixel data and outputs HistogramBuffer with RGBL data.
  • HistogramRenderer takes HistogramBuffer as an argument and draws RGBL bins either on-screen or to another HistogramTexture. Both generation and rendering phases are performed on the GPU.

Getting Started

Here's how you could wrap everything into a ViewModel to generate image's histogram and render it into a SwithUI View.

import FastHistogram

class HistogramViewModel {
    // Specify a count of histogram bins to generate and render
    static let binsCount: Int = 256
    private let gpuHandler: GPUHandler
    private let histogramGenerator: HistogramGenerator
    private let histogramRenderer: HistogramRenderer
    let histogramView: HistogramView
    init() {
        // Init shared GPU handler
        gpuHandler = try! GPUHandler()
        // Init HistogramGenerator
        histogramGenerator = try! HistogramGenerator(gpuHandler: gpuHandler,
                                                     binsCount: HistogramViewModel.binsCount)
        // Init rendering target, in this example it's a View
        histogramView = HistogramView(gpuHandler: gpuHandler,
                                      backgroundColor: RGBAColor.black)
        // Init HistogramRenderer, optionally specify layer colors
        histogramRenderer = try! HistogramRenderer(
            gpuHandler: gpuHandler,
            renderTarget: histogramView,
            redLayerColor: RGBAColor.red.opacity(0.7),
            greenLayerColor: RGBAColor.green.opacity(0.7),
            blueLayerColor: RGBAColor.blue.opacity(0.7),
            luminanceLayerColor: RGBAColor.white.opacity(0.7))
    func generateAndRender() {
        // Get some image to generate histogram for
        let image: UIImage = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "SomeImage")
        guard let cgImage = image.cgImage else { return }
        // Init texture by passing `CGImage` data. 
        // There're many other ways you can init or fill texture, see the class doc comments.
        let texture = HistogramTexture(gpuHandler: gpuHandler, cgImage: cgImage)
        // Calculate Gamma-encoded histogram and draw it
        histogramGenerator.process(texture: texture, isLinear: false) { histogramBuffer in
            self.histogramRenderer.draw(histogramBuffer: histogramBuffer)

Now simply show the histogram renderer's view wrapping it into a SwiftUI's UIViewRepresentable or NSViewRepresentable:

import SwiftUI

struct HistogramApp: App {
    let histogramViewModel = HistogramViewModel()
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            GeometryReader { g in
                // Either `UIViewRepresentable` or `NSViewRepresentable`
                ViewWrapper(view: histogramViewModel.histogramView.view)
                    .frame(width: g.size.width, height: g.size.height)
                    .onAppear {
                        // Draw the histogram when the view has been placed and resized

Continuous High-FPS Rendering

It's often needed to show not a static image's histogram, but generate histograms for a high frequency image data coming from device's camera.

For more efficiency, do not directly initiate HistogramTexture and HistogramBuffer objects, but use resource pools. This adds a controlled and synchronized level of paralellism to the CPU <-> GPU work.

When dealing with textures and buffers obtained from a shared resource pool, you're required to explicitly release them back to the pool. In the simple example above, histogramGenerator.process releases the HistogramTexture object when finished processing and histogramRenderer.draw releases the HistogramBuffer object once it's rendered.

import Combine
import AVFoundation

class HistogramViewModel {

    // Assuming there's some CVImageBuffer publisher defined which published image data with high frequency
    let videoFramePublisher: AnyPublisher<CVImageBuffer, Never>
    var videoFramePublisherCancellable: AnyCancellable?

    // Texture allocation is a slow process.
    // Make a pool of pre-allocated textures to use for high-FPS rendering.
    var texturePool: SharedResourcePool<HistogramTexture>?

    init() {
        // Init shared GPU handler, generator and renderer the same way as it's defined in the previous listing
        // ...

        // Process frames
        videoFramePublisherCancellable = videoFramePublisher.sink { frame in
            // Obtain frame's height and width in pixels
            let width = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(imageBuffer)
            let height = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(imageBuffer)
            // Make sure that texture pool is set up with the same width and height as a receiving frame.
            // In most cases streaming frame size is constant, so the pool is going to be init only once.
            if (self.texturePool == nil) {
                self.texturePool = HistogramTexture.makePool(gpuHandler: gpuHandler,
                                                             textureSize: MTLSizeMake(width, height, 1))
            // Get free texture from the pool.
            // This method blocks until a next texture is available.
            let texture = self.texturePool!.nextResource
            texture.fillTextureWithImageBufferData(imageBuffer: frame)
            // Process texture, generate RGBL histogram
            self.histogramGenerator.process(texture: texture, isLinear: false) { histogramBuffer in
                // By this moment, `texture` is already released by `.process` method.
                // Render RGBL histogram. After it's done, `histogramBuffer` is also auto-released.
                self.histogramRenderer.draw(histogramBuffer: histogramBuffer)