- 0
RuntimeError: set_sizes_and_strides is not allowed on a Tensor created from .data or .detach().
#4 opened by zouchen92 - 5
- 0
about Inference time
#20 opened by zhouilu - 0
training is slow
#19 opened by zhiwenfan - 7
torch and cuda version of your work
#11 opened by zhangsongdmk - 1
RuntimeError: rays_o must be a CUDA tensor
#15 opened by antithing - 2
4K-NeRF on room-scale scenes
#18 opened by barbararoessle - 17
Error running on Windows
#13 opened by antithing - 0
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'optimizer_d' referenced before assignment
#17 opened by lht-21836918 - 0
A question about "adam_upd_cuda"
#16 opened by QWTforGithub - 1
Providing pre-trained scene models
#12 opened by cpeng93 - 1
- 1
- 1
How to make it work with my own dataset?
#7 opened by abtExp - 2
- 1
#1 opened by frozoul - 0
#10 opened by JamesPerlman - 7
Out of memory during training.
#3 opened by xyIsHere - 0
How to export mesh 3d ?
#5 opened by D-Mad