Herein lies the absolute truth for all things for the Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) project. *** Directory structure *** ./README = This file Common directory: ----------------- The common directory contains the data, scripts and files that are common for all diseases in the PRS analysis pipeline. ./common/ = Directory containing common raw data, scripts and files for all diseases. ./common/raw_data/ = Directory containing the common raw data downloaded from various sources. ./common/scripts/ = Directory containing the common scripts in the PRS pipeline used for all diseases/phenotypes. * DO NOT RUN * these scripts from this directory. These scripts must be run from the specific disease/phenotype script directory. Per-disease/phenotype directories: ---------------------------------- The per-disease/phenotype directories contain the data, scripts and files specific for the PRS analysis of that disease/phenotype. ./T2D/ = Directory for PRS for Type2 Diabetes ./asthma/ = Directory for PRS for Asthma ./CAD/ = Directory for PRS for Coronary artery disease Each per-disease directory has the following sub-directories: ./<disease>/raw_data/ = Directory containing the raw data specific for the analysis of this disease. ./<disease>/derived_data/ = Directory containing the derived data (modified from raw data) specific for the analysis of this disease. ./<disease>/scripts/ = Directory containing the scripts specific for the analysis of this disease. ./<disease>/logs/ = Directory containing the logs for the analysis of this disease. ./<disease>/output/ = Directory containing the output for the analysis of this disease. ./<disease>/plots/ = Directory containing the plots for the analysis of this disease. ./<disease>/results/ = Directory containing the results for the analysis of this disease.