
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

PPV - Predicted Peptide Variant

  • A Peptide Feature Extraction tool for Mass Spectrometry Data
  • A Logistic Classifier, learning the features of uniprot annotated peptides.


Package Install:

pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/jancr/ppv.git#egg=ppv

Developer Install:

Clone the PPV repository:

mkdir ppv-project
cd ppv-project
git clone https://github.com/jancr/ppv.git

Install the package

cd ppv
pip install -e .

Download Data:

data from the paper can be found at https://github.com/jancr/ppv-data

Lets go back to the ppv-project folder and clone this repo

cd ..
git clone https://github.com/jancr/ppv-data

Then unzip all the files

cd ppv-data/models
gunzip *.gz
cd ../features
gunzip mouse_features_paper.pickle.gz
cd ../..

Hopefully your ppv-project directory now looks like this:

$ ls -lh
drwxrwxr-x 6 jcr jcr 4.0K Mar  3 15:15 ppv
drwxrwxr-x 6 jcr jcr 4.0K Mar  3 15:21 ppv-data

File Types

There are two core file types in this project

UPF files: In the ppv-data/upf there are two types of files. The *.upf:code: file which contains 1 line per peptide per sample. It had 3 important concepts:

  • Meta Data: The field accno is the sample id to link it to meta data such as "This is Mouse 5"
  • Peptide ID: the fields prot_acc, pep_start, pep_stop and pep_mod_seq amounts to the peptide ID, the pep_mod_seq allows us to have seperate ID's for peptides with different PTMs
  • Abundance: the field intensity is the abundance recorded by the Mass Spectrometer.

Sample Meta files: These files contain meta data about the upf file, this is necessary for defining groups when doing statistical analysis of the data, in relation to the PPV algorithm the only field that matters is rs_acc which is used to link to the accno field in the upf file, and subject which is the mouse id.

If you want to use the algorithm for your own data you have to convert the output from the MS into this format.

Extract features

There are two use cases for this project

  1. use our model to make predictions for your own data
  2. train your own model on your (and our?) data

In either case you need to extract features from your data. Before you can train or predict, so let's do that

All the features can be found in ppv-data/features/mouse_features_paper.pickle.gz, this file contains all the features extracted from all the tissue files. In order to understand how this file was created let's create it for 1 tissue, doing it for all simply amounts to using a for loop :)

Example: create feature data frame for Mouse Brain

Import statements:

import pandas as pd
import peputils
from peputils.proteome import fasta_to_protein_hash
import ppv

Then we link to the files in ppv-data:

upf_file = 'upf/mouse_brain_combined.upf'
meta_file = 'upf/mouse_brain_combined.sample.meta'
campaign_name = "Mouse Brain"
mouse_fasta = "uniprot/10090_uniprot.fasta"
known_file = "uniprot/known.tsv"

Then we now create a upf data frame, we do this using data frame method .peptidomics.load_upf_meta, which is defined in peputils:

df_raw = pd.DataFrame.peptidomics.load_upf_meta(upf_file, meta_file, campaign_name)

We then normalize this dataframe such that all the peptides found across all samples sum to the same, to correct for different sample loading.

df = df_raw.peptidomics.normalize()

Now we have a normalized peptidomics dataframe, it looks like this:


png of df.head()

So much like the .upf file we have 1 row for each observed peptide and 1 column for each sample abundance.

The above dataframe is what is needed for feature extraction, to extract features from the df use the following method:

n_cpu = 8
mouse_proteins = fasta_to_protein_hash(mouse_fasta)

dataset_features = df.ppv_feature_extractor.create_feature_df(
    mouse_proteins, n_cpus=n_cpu, known=known_file, peptides='valid')

Note: The feature extraction code is parallelized such that if n_cpu=8, then it will concurrently extract features from 8 protein backbones, as some proteins have a much higher number of peptides than others (and the algorithm scales O(N^2) with the number of peptides in a protein), the progress bar seem to stall, when there are only the 1-5 proteins with most peptides left. Be patient my young padowan, the program is not stuck in an infinite loop, but it may take some hours to finish.

Loading features

The features from the paper can be loaded from the ppv-data repository:

dataset_features = pd.read_pickle('features/mouse_features_paper.pickle')

Using the Model for Prediction

See section 4 of the next section

Training your own model

1. Splitting the data for nested cross-validation

The code assumes that the feature generation pipeline was run successfully, transforming the peptidomics data into a pandas dataframe stored as mouse_features_paper.pickle. To split the data into 5 folds, run

2. Training the ppv model

The script nested_cv.py trains our ML models in nested cross-validation, yielding 20 models. The script also trains various baseline ML models. Internally, the PPV model presented in the main papers is called f_logreg (frequentist logistic regression). If you want to skip training baseline ML models, comment out the respective models in runs starting from line 381. .. code-block:: bash

python3 scripts/nested_cv.py -d ../ppv-data/features/mouse_features_paper_sklearn.pickle -od ../ppv-data/nested_cv

This creates a directory called nested_cv that contains the cross-validated models.

3. Evaluation

The jupyter notebook notebooks/manuscript_figures.ipynb produces the performance plots shown in the manuscript from nested_cv and the saved mouse_features_paper_sklearn.pickle feature data.

the notebooks are saved in markdown format, to convert them to interactive notebook run:

python -m jupytext --to notebook notebooks/manuscript_figures.ipynb
python -m jupytext --to notebook notebooks/plot_validation.ipynb

4. Making new predictions

The full PPV model is an ensemble of the cross-validated models. To apply it to new data, use the following code snippet that takes care of averaging the 20 predictions.

def make_features_numerical(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    '''Cannot train on boolean values.'''
    df = df.copy()
    for column in df.columns:
        if df[column].dtype == bool:
            df[column] = df[column].astype(int)

    return df
def predict_probabilities(df, model_dir: str = "nested_cv/cv_f_logreg", folds = [0,1,2,3,4]):

    df_X = make_features_numerical(df_X)
    X =  df_X.values

    all_probs = []
    # predict from all the test models and average probabilities.
    for val in folds:
        for test in folds:
            if val == test:

            model = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(results_dir, f'model_t{test}_v{val}.pkl'), 'rb'))
            probs = model.predict_proba(X)[:, 1]

    probs = np.stack(all_probs).mean(axis=0)
    return probs

exclude_features = [
    (    'MS Count',             'start'),
    (    'MS Count',             'stop'),
    (    'MS Frequency',        'protein_coverage'),
    (    'MS Frequency',        'cluster_coverage'),
feature_columns = df.columns[ (df.columns.get_level_values(0).str.startswith('MS')) & ~(df.columns.isin(exclude_features))]

df['Annotations', 'PPV'] = predict_probabilities(df[feature_columns])