fudp's Following
- afshinea
- AkegarasuChina, Beijing
- AlibabaResearchChina
- alipayChina
- amuellerMicrosoft
- antmachineintelligenceAnt Group
- chenzomi12China
- codefuse-ai
- csinvaSenior researcher
- DataCanvasIOBeijing
- guodaySYSU-MSRA
- huanfengAI
- jakevdpGoogle
- jmportillaPierian Data Inc.
- langchain4j
- langflow-aiBrazil
- maelfabienbiped.ai
- mbahmaniGermany
- mindspore-ai
- MorvanZhou
- MrLeeTreeBUPT
- noahgiftPragmatic AI Labs
- open-mmlabChina
- OpenBMB
- prakhar1989@Google at @firebase
- QwenLMChina
- rasbt@Lightning-AI , University of Wisconsin-Madison
- secretflowChina
- serpapiUnited States of America
- tangyudi微信:aizhushou888
- textflintFudan University NLP Group
- triton-inference-server
- wesm@posit-pbc
- yangshun@greatfrontend