A collection of awesome markdown goodies (libraries, services, editors, tools, cheatsheets, etc.)
Note: stands for the GitHub page and 💎 stands for the RubyGems page.
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Looking for awesome book examples in markdown (e.g. handwritten guides, auto-build almanacs w/ open data, etc.)? See the Awesome Books List.
Contributions welcome. Anything missing? Send in a pull request. Thanks.
- Markdown - original Markdown syntax write-up and processor in Perl by John Gruber; no longer maintained (last update in Dec 2004)
- Talk - markdown-discuss mailing list
Markdown Syntax Extensions
- SmartyPants - convert (c) into ?, "" into ?, etc.
- Emojis -
- CriticMarkup -
- GitHub Flavored Markup (GFM) - @mention, to do lists w/ [ ] and [x], etc.
MultiMarkdown (MMD)
- MultiMarkdown (MMD) - Markdown extensions by Fletcher Penney adding footnotes, tables, definition lists, document metadata (e.g. title, author, date, etc.) and more; first added to
- Cheatsheet - syntax quick reference
- Test Suite
- - historic code; converter script in Perl (last update in Jan 2011)
Markdown Extra
- Markdown Extra - Markdown extensions by Michel Fortin; first added to PHP Markdown (Extra)
- Dingus - try Markdown Extra in your browser
Markdown Extended (MDE)
- Markdown Extended (MDE) @
- Spec
- Cheatsheet - syntax quick reference; examples side-by-side
- Dingus - try Markdown Extended in your browser
- Code - converter script in PHP
A strongly specified, highly compatible implementation of Markdown
- CommonMark @
- Code - spec and reference code in JavaScript and C
Markdown Documentation
Markdown Cheatsheets / Quick References
Markdown Getting Started Guides / Tutorials
Markdown Building Blocks
Markdown Libraries
- Babel2 - to be done
- [Babel2 F.A.Q.] - frequently asked questions (and answers) e.g. ... ??
Markdown Web Components / Custom Elements
- to be done
Markdown Editors
Zen Writing - leaving you alone with your thoughts and your words
Markdown Online Editors
- Minimalist Online Markdown Editor -
- StackEdit -
- Markdown Note - - another simple single HTML page, server-less Markdown editor in JavaScript
Markdown Desktop Editors
- Atom + Markdown Preview - to be done
- Retext - ReText is a simple but powerful editor for Markdown and reStructuredText markup languages. ReText is written in Python language and works on Linux and other POSIX-compatible platforms.
- uText - uText is a very simple editor for Markdown. uText supports live text preview and syntax highlighting. Supported export formats: HTML, ODT, PDF. uText in the Ubuntu apps directory.
- Remarkable - 'The best markdown editor for Linux and Windows'
- UberWriter - UberWriter in the Ubuntu apps directory UberWriter, beautiful distraction free writing. With UberWriter you get only one thing: An empty textbox, that is to fill with your ideas. There are no settings, you don't have to choose a font, it is only for writing.You can use markdown for all your markup needs. PDF, RTF and HTML are generated via pandoc.
- MarkMyWords - A minimal markdown editor
- WriteMonkey - full screen distraction free creative writing; no whistles and bells, just empty screen, you and your words; WriteMonkey is light, fast, and free
Markdown Command Line Tools
- Pandoc - - a universal document converter (in Haskell)
- Jekyll - , 💎 - transform your plain text into static websites and blogs (in Ruby)
- Middleman - , 💎 - makes developing websites simple (in Ruby)
- Markdown Extended (MDE) - transform plain text input (strings or files) in various output formats (in PHP)
Markdown to Website / Blog
Markdown to Email
- Markdown Here - - a browser extension for rendering email written in Markdown; available for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Thunderbird, and more; besides email also works with Evernote, Google Groups, Blogger, and more
Markdown to Presentation / Slideshow
- Slide Show (S9) - , 💎 - a free web alternative to PowerPoint and Keynote in Ruby
Markdown to Portable Document Format (PDF)
- markdown-pdf , (npm Package) - converts Markdown files to PDFs
Markdown to Books
Convert to Markdown Tools
Microsoft Word to Markdown
- word-to-markdowm gem , 💎 - "liberate" content from the jail that is Microsoft Word documents; converts to plain-text Markdown
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) to Markdown
- reverse_markdown , 💎 - map simple HTML back into markdown
- html2markdown , 💎 - simple and flexible HTML to markdown converter
- hypertextmarkdown , 💎 - HTML to markdown converter
- html2md , 💎 - converts basic HTML to markdown
- unmarkdown , 💎 - convert HTML to Markdown
- upmark , 💎 - a HTML to Markdown converter
- remark - HTML to Markdown converter in Ruby
JavaScript / Node.js
- to-markdown , (npm Package) - a HTML to Markdown converter in JavaScript
- html2markdown , (npm Package) - converting HTML to Markdown
Command Line Examples
$ pandoc file.html -o
$ kramdown --input html --output kramdown file.html >
Book Services
- - publish from the comfort of your command-line
- - write and publish books with Markdown and Git
- GitBook - a command line tool (and Node.js library) for building beautiful books using GitHub/Git and Markdown (or AsciiDoc)
- - Bitbooks turns a repo full of markdown files into a handsome, hosted, online book
- Franklin - a static-site framework, optimized for online books
More lightweight markup languages
- Wikitext, Wikicode - wiki markup used by Wikipedia and friends
- Creole - "Standardized" core Wikitext markup
- AsciiDoc
- Textile
- reStructuredText (rst, reST)
- BBCode - bulletin board code
The awesome list is dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.
Questions? Comments?
Send them along to the markdown-discuss mailing list. Thanks!