Build Status

This project is no longer in active development.

Please see fgbio which replaces Jean Luc.


Java Requirements

Java SE 8 is required.

Building JeanLuc

JeanLuc uses gradle to build. There are two steps involved:

  1. Install "gradle" (ideally using brew install gradle with Homebrew, or from
  2. In this directory (jeanluc) run gradle assemble

You can also

  • Run a clean build with gradle clean assemble
  • Run unit tests with gradle [clean] test (you can view a test report at ./build/reports/tests/index.html)
  • Run a single unit test class with gradle -Dtest.single=[pattern] test where pattern is a class name or partial class name

After running a build you can find the resulting JAR file in ./build/libs/jeanluc-1.0.0.jar

Configuring IntellIJ for JeanLuc

IntelliJ natively understands gradle builds, which is very helpful because it can import the project automatically, and also build it using the gradle build file. To setup IntelliJ do the following:

  1. Open IntelliJ
  2. From the menus File -> New -> Project From Existing Sources
  3. Use the file navigator to find and select build.gradle in this directory and hit OK
  4. Select "Use local gradle distribution" and give it the path to your gradle home (e.g. /usr/local/Cellar/gradle/2.10/libexec)
  5. Ensure the "Project format" is set to .idea and click OK
  6. Done!