Command line help should automatically show available options for parameters that are enums.
Closed this issue · 1 comments
tfenne commented
Command line help should automatically show available options for parameters that are enums.
nh13 commented
For java enums, it works. For scala enums, see #40. See --log-level
java -jar target/scala-2.11/dagr-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -h
USAGE: Dagr [Dagr arguments] [pipeline name] [pipeline arguments]
Dagr Optional Arguments:
-h [true|false], --help[=true|false]
Display the help message. [Default: false].
--config=Path Load in a custom configuration into Dagr. See for
details on the file format.
--version[=true|false] Display the version number for this tool. [Default: false].
--script-dir=Path Overrides the default scripts directory in the configuration file.
--log-dir=Path Overrides default log directory in the configuration file.
-l LogLevel, --log-level=LogLevel
Set the logging level. [Default: Info]. Options: Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Fatal.
--scripts=Path Dagr scala scripts to compile and add to the list of programs.
--cores=Double Set the number of cores available to dagr.
--memory=String Set the memory available to dagr.
--report=Path Write an execution report to this file, otherwise write to the stdout
USAGE: Dagr [pipeline] [arguments]
Available Sub-Commands:
Pipelines: Various pipeline programs.
CreateUnmappedBamFromFastqPipeline Create Unmapped Bam From Fastq Pipeline.
DnaResequencingFromFastqPipeline Dna Resequencing from Fastq Pipeline.
DnaResequencingFromUnmappedBamPipeline Dna Resequencing From Unmapped BAM Pipeline.
DownsampleAndCallSomaticVariants Downsamples a Tumor BAM to various coverage levels and calls mutations in it.
ExamplePipeline Example FASTQ to BAM pipeline.
GermlineVariantCallingPipeline Calls germline variants in a single sample and then hard filters them.
SomaticVariantCallingPipeline Calls somatic variants in a single sample [pair] and then filters them.