- 0
hot end pull down
#71 opened by tungbuivn - 1
Archivos binarios versus ascii
#70 opened by otenmas - 1
Wrong Firmware Name
#69 opened by aamarques - 1
#67 opened by aamarques - 1
How to stick ribbons
#66 opened by nico97472-lab - 0
- 1
How to set up a PID
#68 opened by Olsen-perm - 1
Problemas con el motor
#64 opened by erubenec - 7
Dificultad para cortar botellas.
#59 opened by otenmas - 3
Firmware flash
#61 opened by AmirMahdaviAM - 4
- 2
Demande de fichier
#57 opened by NvidiaZfr - 3
Stepper motor problem
#43 opened by eteache - 1
screws motor
#53 opened by gulsinho06 - 3
#55 opened by gulsinho06 - 1
cuscinetti a sfera
#58 opened by WillianGallina - 0
Machine à filament
#56 opened by poupirate - 5
Just a little doubt
#23 opened by RuhtraXD - 0
- 1
#52 opened by gulsinho06 - 1
- 4
Motor does not change speed
#51 opened by kartonkafoto - 3
- 2
#47 opened by gulsinho06 - 2
Arduino IDE
#44 opened by gulsinho06 - 5
#49 opened by scalinux - 1
hotend possibly hotter than thermister reading
#48 opened by watsoz - 1
Filament clogged
#45 opened by frosty884 - 1
psu beeping
#46 opened by onyakov - 3
Need of deactivating the 3g/4g connection before trying to conect to the "petalot" ssid
#40 opened by JesConsuegra - 6
Include ESPHome config file
#39 opened by HumbleDeer - 0
- 4
end of course question!
#33 opened by gulsinho06 - 7
Nema 17
#38 opened by gulsinho06 - 1
Size bolts
#37 opened by gulsinho06 - 1
#36 opened by gulsinho06 - 2
Dead links to AliExpress
#35 opened by Deses - 1
Length of the 6mm threaded rod.
#34 opened by Deses - 5
What filament did you use to print the parts?
#30 opened by gulsinho06 - 0
Include original project files
#32 opened by HumbleDeer - 1
machine the hotend
#29 opened by gulsinho06 - 3
Stepper motor doesnt spin
#25 opened by Adam3359 - 3
Heatblock not heating
#24 opened by Biancod - 4
Stepper motor doesnt work
#21 opened by MarmotLand - 1
Wood specs
#31 opened by gulsinho06 - 6
d1 mini does not create wifi network
#26 opened by RuhtraXD - 3
- 1
Which board to use in Arduino IDE?
#28 opened by gulsinho06 - 1
Wemos D1 Mini (4mb) fried
#22 opened by Biospargel - 0
compilation ide
#27 opened by gulsinho06