
Qt QML integration for Robot GUI prototyping

Primary LanguagePython


Qt QML Integrated GUI for Robots


This package is built on the top of Qt5 and its python binding called PyQt5.

sudo apt install \
    python-pyqt5.qtquick \
    qtdeclarative5-controls-plugin \


  1. Create GUI using QML. (See example in qml directory)

  2. Load QML in RQT Plugin

    rqt_qml $(rospack find rqt_qml)/qml/simple.qml

The launch file additionally defines LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR environment variable and set it to 0 to avoid QT GTK+ bug on Ubuntu. If you do not have any scrollbars in your QML graphical interface then the variable can be omitted.

For Developers

Create a new plugin

To add your own QML plugins (either written in Python or C++) use <rqt_qml> tag in export section of a package.xml in your package, for instance:

    <rqt_qml plugins="${prefix}/my_qml_plugins_dir"/>

If a relative path supplied to plugins attribute, it will be treated as relative to Qt plugins directory, for example:

    <rqt_qml plugins="PyQt5" /> <!-- This may resolve to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/PyQt5 --/>

Import your own QML

To add your own extension modules (*.qml files) use imports attribute.

    <rqt_qml imports="${prefix}/my_qml_extensions_dir"/>

Note, however, that a path provided with imports attribute is always treated as absolute.

QML Plugin API

There are four components provided by the plugin:

  • Ros: top-level container for other components. It holds the reference to the actual ROS node and provides logging and time facilities.
  • Subscriber: subscribes to ROS topic and handles incomming messages. A topic to be used is defined with Topic component (see below).
  • Publisher: provides function to publish to ROS topic. Similarly to Subscriber uses Topic component.
  • Topic: just a container for topic specific properties, i.e. name and type.

See qml/Chat.qml.

Documentation is here.


Ros {
  /* Allows access to logging and time facilities */
  id: my_ros
  /* Array of publishers and subscribers.
   * That is a default container, so the name can be omitted (see below)
  objects: [
    Subscriber {
    Publisher {
  /* The publishers and subscribers defined like this
   * will be automatically added to the 'objects' container
  Publisher {

Button {
  text: "Log message to ROS"
  onClicked: {
    var now = my_ros.now() // remember time stamp
    /* Logging functions correspond to those defined in rospy */
    my_ros.logdebug('Sample debug message')
    my_ros.loginfo('Sample info message with user data: ' + JSON.stringify(now))
    my_ros.logwarn('Sample warn message')
    my_ros.logerr('Sample error message')
    my_ros.logfatal('Sample fatal message')


Subscriber {
  /* Not used at the moment */
  id: sub1
  /* Corresponds to ROS subscriber queue_size parameter */
  queueSize: 10
  /* Holds topic name and type (see below) */
  topic: Topic {
  /* Handles 'message' signal emitted by the plugin backend. 
   * Passes 'msg' as sole parameter, which is a JavaScript object
  onMessageChanged: {
    // QML code goes here


Publisher {
  /* Allows access to 'publish()' function */
  id: pub1
  /* Corresponds to ROS publisher queue_size parameter */
  queueSize: 10
  /* Holds topic name and type (see below) */
  topic: Topic {
Button {
  text: "Publish"
  onClicked: {
    var my_msg = {
      field1: 'value1',
      field2: 'value2',
    // call publish() method of Publisher component


Topic {
  name: "/my_qml_topic"
  type: "std_msgs/Header"


Yuki Furuta <me@furushchev.ru>

Inspired from Boris Gromov <boris.a.gromov@gmail.com>