:rocket: R package: future: Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone
- agnesjames
- alexvorobiev
- beyondpieUniversity of California, San Diego
- Brainiarc7@genenetwork @NVIDIAGameWorks
- ChanningWong
- eemailme
- elmstedtLos Angeles, California, USA
- eriveltonguedesipea
- ether8unny
- eusebe
- fboehmSouth Dakota State University
- harryprinceMobike
- HenrikBengtssonUCSF
- hsm207@weaviate
- JesseKolb
- jimloringSKWC (SnoKing Watershed Council)
- jokbull
- justicelee
- luke-aBerlin
- orozcoae89Universidad Simón Bolívar
- radovankavickyGapData Institute
- rajibchakrabarti1
- randomgambit
- RebelionTheGrey
- renkun-kenShanghai, China
- scottkosty
- SeshatCZCzech republic
- skilpinenUniversity of Helsinki, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
- stegerj
- SupermemChina
- tdeenes
- ThoDuyNguyen
- timelyportfolioavailable
- tle4336
- xiaoningwangCommunication University of China
- yannrichet