
[Dissertation Ch4] Indoor Priors Inspired Multi-view Stereo Network

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

IndoorMVS: Indoor Priors Inspired Multi-view Stereo Network

This is a PyTorch implementation of the indoor MVS method proposed in my Ph.D. dissertation (Chapter 4). We developed a new indoor 3D plan instance dataset and proposed a TSDF-based MVS model that can simultaneously estimate the 3D geometry, semantics, and major plane instances from posed images.

Please feel free to contact Fengting Yang (fuy34bkup@gmail.com) if you have any questions.


We have proposed another powerful indoor MVS method called PlanarRecon. Please feel free to check it out.


The code is developed and tested with

  • Python 3.6
  • PyTorch 1.6.0 (w/ Cuda 10.2)
  • Pytorch-Lightning 1.4.9

You may need to install some other packages, e.g., trimesh, opencv, pillow, etc.

Data Preperation

First, download Scannet dataset and extract it with the official instruction to <SCANNET_PATH>.

Next, download our ground truth 3D plane instance from Here and save it at <GT_INS_PATH>. This ground truth is generated with an adopted plane fitting algorithm from planeRCNN. If you wish to generate the ground truth by yourself, you can first run

python third_part/ScanNet_preprocess/fit_plane/get_gtPlane_segmt.py

to obtain the initial plane instances, and then run

python third_part/ScanNet_preprocess/fit_plane/refine_plane_ins.py 

to refine the plane instance. Extreme slim and long planes will be removed. Please make sure all the path variables in the two .py files are aligned with your local settings.

Finally, run

python prepare_data_tsdf.py --path <SCANNET_PATH> --plane_path <GT_INS_PATH> --path_meta <SAVE_PATH> --i 0 --n 2&
python prepare_data_tsdf.py --path <SCANNET_PATH> --plane_path <GT_INS_PATH> --path_meta <SAVE_PATH> --i 1 --n 2&

where n equals the GPU number you wish to use. The code will run in parallel on multiple GPUs.


Once the data is prepared, we should be able to train the model by running the following command. For GPUs with small memory (e.g., Titan XP), we recommend setting MODEL.RESNETS.DEPTH 18 (ResNet18-FPN), and for ones with larger memory (e.g., RTX 3090 Ti), choosing MODEL.RESNETS.DEPTH 50 (ResNet50-FPN) will lead to better performance.


There are a few other hyperparameters in config.py file. You may need to modify DATASETS_TRAIN and DATASETS_VAL according to the location of your training and validation .txt files. For the others, you can simply use the default values unless you wish to train on different settings. It may take a few minutes to initialize the voxel indices at the first time you run the algorithm.


We provide our pre-trained model (ResNet50-FPN backbone) here. To infer the 3D scene, run

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python inference.py --model <CKPT_PATH> --scenes <VAL_SCENE_TXT_PTH> --heatmap_thres 0.008

The results will be saved in a new folder <INFER_PATH> in <LOG_PATH>. The folder will include two directories, called semseg and plane_ins, and a few .npz and .ply files. The first two directories contain the semantic segmentation and plane segmentation, respectively, and the other files record the 3D geometry.


We evaluate both the 3D reconstruction and semantic estimation accuracy.

Given the inference results in <INFER_PATH>, for 3D reconstruction evaluation, we can run

python evaluate.py --results <INFER_PATH> --scenes <VAL_SCENE_TXT_PTH>

Both 2D depth and 3D mesh results will be printed at the end.

For semantic evaluation, first run

python third_party/Scannet_eval/export_train_mesh_for_evaluation.py --scan_path  <SCANNET_PATH> --scan_list <VAL_SCENE_TXT_PTH> --output_path <SEM_GT_PATH> 

to generate the semantic ground truth .txt, and then run

python third_party/Scannet_eval/evaluate_semantic_label.py --pred_path <INFER_PATH>/semseg --gt_path <SEM_GT_PATH> --scan_list <VAL_SCENE_TXT_PTH> 

to obtain the semantic evaluation result.


If you find this work helpful, please consider citing my dissertation.

  title={Geometry Inspired Deep Neural Networks for 3D Reconstruction},
  author={Yang, Fengting},
  school={The Pennsylvania State Univeristy},


Parts of the code are developed from Atlas, PlaneRCNN, MonoDepthv2, HT-LCNN, and HSM.