Building footprint segmentation from satellite and aerial imagery
- 190knight
- AlesKasBrno
- AurelienBrnEPFL
- ayushdabraIndian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Bhopal
- Beauregard-Jean-Pierre-AlgerFrance
- chl916185
- chrisleamanWater Research Laboratory (UNSW)
- dimorphicLocation, location, location.
- dmxj
- ebgoldstein@Sediment-Science
- frankyy72
- fuzailpalnakJoanneum Research
- gdxfighting
- georgiosatlasPalo Alto, CA
- igorlemes
- jhy-jsnu
- joeylovepizza
- JuliaWasala@ADA-research
- KKKay
- Lu-six
- mmengxu
- mohamedelmesawyEgypt, Cairo
- oujiangpingscut
- rafealzheng
- ravipanchani-tomtom
- robmarkcole@earthdaily
- santhi-2020
- sarathsrkIndia
- solidjerryc
- TheChosenOne-TT
- tirupaticyeint
- visionjo@VicariousSurgical
- wang-zaoPKU -> UCSD
- wyh9729
- Youssef-Harby@cartologic
- zensenlon