
Out-of-the-Box Configuration: Instantly deploy a development environment with a pre-configured set of tools, libraries, and dependencies commonly used by me.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Out-of-the-Box Configuration: Instantly deploy a development environment with a pre-configured set of tools, libraries, and dependencies commonly used by me.


  • sudo access within the container
  • zsh, as the default shell
  • oh-my-zsh, plugins: git
  • git
  • neovim
  • fd-find
  • ripgrep


1. Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/fwarmuth/RapidDevEnv.git <ProjectName>

2. Setup the container generation

# Change directory to the repository
cd <ProjectName>
# Install python dependencies for the setup script
pip3 install -r scripts/requirements.txt
# Run the setup script

This modifies:

  • devcontainer.json file to use the project name as the container name
  • sets the user within the container to the user running the
  • and more

3. Open the folder in VSCode

code .

Accept the prompt to open the folder in the container.