
Install APT packages without root access

Primary LanguageShell

Not root, install APT packages without root access

This simple tool allow you to install apt packages without root access.


First, clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/Gregwar/notroot.git

Then, add this line to your .bashrc file:

source "$HOME/notroot/bashrc"

(You can adapt the path to the notroot directory)

Then, reload bash.


Simply run something like this:

notroot install libjsoncpp-dev libjsoncpp0

This will download and extract packages.


Note that this is a minimalist script designed to install libraries and binaries without root access, the following are supported:

  • Binaries (using PATH)
  • Includes (using CPATH)
  • Libraries (using LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH)