
A 3D rendering demo powered by Python and Vulkan

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PanicPanda - A 3D demo powered by Python and Vulkan

A helmet renderer by panic panda


Codename "PanicPanda" is a 3D rendering tech demo that use Vulkan as its rendering API and python as its programming language.

The main purpose of this project was to create an environment that is both simple to reason with and lightning fast to debug in order to quickly prototype a wide variety of 3D applications. Speed and effiency was never a goal for this project, and while PanicPanda doesn't do anything particularly wrong, it doesn't do anything particularly right either.

In its current state, PanicPanda could be considered an framework embryo. You are free to take inspiration from it, but building another project around it would be foolish.

A somewhat detailed write up can be found here: https://gabdube.github.io/python/vulkan/2019/01/10/python-and-vulkan-01.html


If PyQt5 is installed, there will be a debugging UI available to edit the project values at runtime.

The LunarG SDK is a must for debugging Vulkan applications. It also includes tools to compile the shaders yourself.

Compressonator is used to compress the textures.

envtools is required to compile the environment maps.

Starting the application

On Windows

On Linux

git clone git@github.com:gabdube/panic-panda
cd panic-panda

# Download and unpack the assets
wget "https://github.com/gabdube/panic-panda/releases/download/1.0/assets-compiled.zip"

unzip -o assets-compiled.zip -d assets

# Running without '-O' enable the debbuging utilities
# and use lower quality assets for quicker load times
python -O src  

Commands & Controls

The demo includes demo 5 scenes, accessible by pressing the key 1 to 5 (not the ones on the keypad)

  • Scene 5 , is a compute DEMO.

  • Scene 4 (the default), is a PBR demo. Use the mouse to move the model around and the UP and DOWN arrow keys to check out the different stages.

  • Scene 3 was used to debug a normals problem. It's kind of nice to look at so I left it here

  • Scene 2 is used for texture debugging. It includes normal textures, raw textures, array textures and mipmapped cubemaps. You can iterate over them with the arrow keys.

  • Scene 1. Is an empty scene.


Project layout

|-- assets                        # Project assets. Contains textures, 3D models and shaders

|-- src
|   |-- engine                    # Engine code where all the good stuff happens
|   |   |-- assets                # Assets loader code
|   |   |-- data_components       # Private components where the vulkan logic happens

|   |   |   |-- data_scene.py     # Where most of the vulkan logic happens. From assets allocation to command buffer recording.

|   |   |-- public_components     # Game components exposed to the end user

|   |   |-- debug_ui.py           # Qt debugging UI

|   |   |-- engine.py             # Base of the engine. Handles instance & device creation. Store everything else.

|   |   |-- memory_manager.py     # A small (and dumb) vulkan memory manager

|   |   |-- render_target.py      # Vulkan binding over the system window. Contains the renderpass and the framebuffers

|   |   `-- renderer.py           # Renderer logic. Only execute the recorde command buffers and handle the presentation to the render target.

|   |-- game                      # Demo code

|   |-- system                    # System wrapper for windowing and managing the system events queue
|   |-- utils                     # Random utilities. Just some math for now.
|   `-- vulkan                    # A low level vulkan wrapper based on ctypes

`-- tools                        # Tooling used by the project. Used to compile the assets


Code sample

# debug_pbr2_scene.py

from engine import Scene, Shader, Mesh, Image, Sampler, GameObject, CombinedImageSampler
from engine.assets import KTXFile, GLTFFile, IMAGE_PATH
from system import events as evt
from utils import Mat4
from vulkan import vk
from .components import Camera, LookAtView
from math import radians, sin, cos

class DebugPBRScene(object):

    def __init__(self, app, engine):
        self.app = app
        self.engine = engine
        self.scene = s = Scene.empty()

        # Global state stuff
        self.shaders = ()
        self.objects = ()
        self.debug = 0

        self.light = {"rot": -95, "pitch": 40}

        # Camera
        width, height = engine.window.dimensions()
        self.camera = cam = Camera(45, width, height)
        self.camera_view = LookAtView(cam, position = [0,0,-3.5], bounds_zoom=(-7.0, -0.2))

        # Assets

        # Callbacks
        s.on_initialized = self.init_scene
        s.on_window_resized = self.update_perspective
        s.on_key_pressed = self.handle_keypress
        s.on_mouse_move = s.on_mouse_click = s.on_mouse_scroll = self.handle_mouse

    def init_scene(self):
    def update_perspective(self, event, data):
        width, height = data
        self.camera.update_perspective(60, width, height)

    def update_light(self):
        light = self.light
        shader = self.shaders[0]
        render = shader.uniforms.render

        rot, pitch = radians(light["rot"]), radians(light["pitch"])
        render.light_direction[:3] = (
            sin(rot) * cos(pitch),
            cos(rot) * cos(pitch)


    def update_view(self):
        shader = self.shaders[0]
        render = shader.uniforms.render
        render.camera[:3] = self.camera.position

    def update_objects(self):
        objects = self.objects
        view = self.camera.view
        projection = self.camera.projection

        for obj in objects:
            uview = obj.uniforms.view

            model_view = view * obj.model
            model_view_projection = projection * model_view
            model_transpose = obj.model.clone().invert().transpose()

            uview.mvp = model_view_projection.data
            uview.model = obj.model.data
            uview.normal = model_transpose.data

    def handle_keypress(self, event, data):
        if data.key in evt.NumKeys:

        # Update debug flags
        k = evt.Keys
        key = data.key
        debug, max_debug = self.debug, 11

        if key is k.Down and debug > 0:
            debug -= 1
        elif key is k.Up and debug+1 < max_debug:
            debug += 1

        helmet_shader = self.shaders[0]
        helmet_shader.uniforms.render.debug[0] = debug

        self.debug = debug

    def handle_mouse(self, event, event_data):
        if self.camera_view(event, event_data):

    def _setup_assets(self):
        scene = self.scene

        # Images
        helmet_f = KTXFile.open("damaged_helmet.ktx")
        if __debug__:
            helmet_f = helmet_f[2:3]   # Speed up load time by only keeping a low res mipmap in debug mode
        specular_env_f = KTXFile.open("storm/specular_cubemap.ktx")
        irradiance_env_f = KTXFile.open("storm/irr_cubemap.ktx")

        with (IMAGE_PATH/"brdf.bin").open("rb") as f:
            brdf_args = {"format": vk.FORMAT_R16G16_UNORM, "extent": (128, 128, 1), "default_view_type": vk.IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D}
            brdf_f = f.read()

        helmet_i = Image.from_ktx(helmet_f, name="HelmetTextureMaps")
        brdf_i = Image.from_uncompressed(brdf_f, name="BRDF", **brdf_args)
        env_i = Image.from_ktx(specular_env_f, name="CubemapTexture")
        env_irr_i = Image.from_ktx(irradiance_env_f, name="CubemapIrradianceTexture")

        # Sampler
        brdf_s = Sampler.new()
        env_s = Sampler.from_params(max_lod=env_i.mipmaps_levels)
        helmet_s = Sampler.from_params(max_lod=helmet_i.mipmaps_levels)              

        # Shaders
        n = "pbr2/pbr2"
        shader_map = {"POSITION": "pos", "NORMAL": "normal", "TEXCOORD_0": "uv"}
        shader = Shader.from_files(f"{n}.vert.spv", f"{n}.frag.spv", f"{n}.map.json", name="PBRShader")
        color_factor = 1.0
        emissive_factor = 1.0
        exposure = 2.2
        gamma = 1.3

        shader.uniforms.render = {
            "light_color": (1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
            "env_lod": (0, env_i.mipmaps_levels),
            "factors": (

        shader.uniforms.brdf = CombinedImageSampler(image_id=brdf_i.id, view_name="default", sampler_id=brdf_s.id)
        shader.uniforms.env_specular = CombinedImageSampler(image_id=env_i.id, view_name="default", sampler_id=env_s.id)
        shader.uniforms.env_irradiance = CombinedImageSampler(image_id=env_irr_i.id, view_name="default", sampler_id=brdf_s.id)

        # Meshes
        helmet_m = Mesh.from_gltf(GLTFFile.open("DamagedHelmet.gltf"), "HelmetMesh", attributes_map=shader_map, name="HelmetMesh")

        # Objects
        helmet = GameObject.from_components(shader = shader.id, mesh = helmet_m.id, name = "Helmet")
        helmet.model = Mat4().from_rotation(radians(90), (1, 0, 0))
        helmet.uniforms.texture_maps = CombinedImageSampler(image_id=helmet_i.id, view_name="default", sampler_id=helmet_s.id)

        # Packing
        scene.images.extend(helmet_i, brdf_i, env_i, env_irr_i)
        scene.samplers.extend(helmet_s, brdf_s, env_s)

        self.objects = (helmet,)
        self.shaders = (shader,)