This repository contains a ROS2 Humble workspace allowing for real time deployment of different pre-trained models for object capture. Students and other contributors can create their own controllers to test and deploy on the robot. Development is underway for human following and more.
First go to Jetson Containers and setup your Jetson to create the container using the command below:
git clone --recursive --depth=1 &&
cd jetson-inference &&
docker/ --ros=humble
Then, clone this repo into your workspaces directory:
git clone
Then, run the container and build:
docker run -it --rm -v /home/shpe/workspaces:/workspaces omni_control_container bash -c "cd /workspaces && ls"
cd omni_control_ws
colcon build
Then, run the launch file for the controller based on the bounding box messages.
ros2 launch omni_launch
Check out Embry-Riddle's SHPE chapter here.