- 3
- 1
#10 opened by francopelli - 1
change phzABR to phzFFR in all relevant code
#11 opened by elladu - 3
- 0
phz_proc.m: look for 2's (or numbers) at the end of parameter names to allow the same processing function to be run twice
#9 opened by gabenespoli - 0
make 'preset' a parameter-value pair
#8 opened by gabenespoli - 1
- 0
phz_plot.m: run region, feature, and summary "in place" when parsing parameter-value pairs
#7 opened by gabenespoli - 0
- 1
Grab default plot preset from phz_plot
#5 opened by gabenespoli - 1
automatic t-tests and significance stars
#4 opened by gabenespoli - 1
phz_writetable presets
#1 opened by gabenespoli