
Error in Galaxy-helm installation

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I am trying to install the galaxy-helm chart and then deploy it in Kubernetes cluster but facing some problems. I followed what is written on the repository to install.

I am getting the following error while installing the charts on my local computer:

helm install --create-namespace -n galaxy my-galaxy . --set persistence.accessMode="ReadWriteOnce" --kube-context rdloc

Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: create: failed to create: secrets "" is forbidden: unable to create new content in namespace galaxy because it is being terminated

Previously, I installed the charts and pods were appearing in the Kubernetes cluster. But the pods were not ready to run and then the installation failed without any concrete error message.

Also, I tried the following but encountered the error:

 helm install my-galaxy-release cloudve/galaxy

Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed post-install: 1 error occurred:
        * timed out waiting for the condition

Can you please provide a solution to this problem?

Judging by the error: "unable to create new content in namespace galaxy because it is being terminated", it looks like your original namespace was deleted, but the deletion is not complete (probably hanging on finalizers). Try installing the chart in a new namespace.

Ok, thank you for the reply. It worked.