- 5
- 1
Palette type is not visible for the user
#3906 opened by lesquoyb - 4
aspect:condition ? aspect1:aspect2 does not work
#3901 opened by LorisHenry - 4
Enhancing MQTT tool to connect non-gama models
#3883 opened by leonsi7 - 5
Serialization/Deserialization of any object
#3896 opened by LucasGrjs - 2
Sobol output data improvement
#3881 opened by ElCep - 5
Allow Experiment controller/GAMA to listen to websocket commands (like Gama Server)
#3910 opened by AlexisDrogoul - 3
Palette operator doesn't work with maps
#3905 opened by lesquoyb - 1
- 0
Texture facet of draw statement ignored in 2d displays
#3890 opened by lesquoyb - 1
Radius with polylines is not shown in 2d
#3899 opened by LorisHenry - 1
- 0
Issue when drawing circle for 3d display
#3908 opened by maiaaan - 2
[GS] Step command causes gs to never return an answer message when sync is true and to sometimes raise exceptions when sync is false
#3912 opened by lesquoyb - 1
- 1
Adding the index of agent information to Inspect View
#3902 opened by hqnghi88 - 0
- 1
- 2
Odd behavior of ask statement when addressing simulations in experiment
#3891 opened by AlexisDrogoul - 2
Simulations not deallocated in batch mode
#3893 opened by lesquoyb - 3
Create a github action for winget deployment
#3862 opened by lesquoyb - 1
[HEADLESS] Have separated headless wrapper for release w/ and w/o JDK for Linux/MacOS
#3866 opened by lesquoyb - 6
- 29
[1.9.3] Very noticeable slowdown in some OpenGL displays after a few thousands of cycles
#3885 opened by AlexisDrogoul - 7
- 8
Can't start new gama release on a fresh workspace
#3860 opened by lesquoyb - 5
Insert template does not work on Eclipse 2023-06
#3851 opened by AlexisDrogoul - 2
- 2
- 1
Define a user_location_on_display command
#3873 opened by agrignard - 2
How can I import a font for an UI from a local file and make it accessible to everyone working on the project?
#3882 opened by maiaaan - 2
- 2
Gama crashes if computer can't assign 4GB of RAM
#3879 opened by WoodenMaiden - 1
Gama 1.9.2 splashscreen on Mac M1
#3870 opened by agrignard - 7
Maven job fails for GAMA 1.9.3
#3864 opened by lesquoyb - 0
[Headless] gama-headless script doesn't take into account Gama.ini on Windows
#3867 opened by lesquoyb - 1
All views in Gama become unresponsive when switching to other windows/applications
#3843 opened by phiola - 0
- 2
- 1
[opengl] problem with layers of flat objects
#3857 opened by lesquoyb - 0
Attributes defined in experiments are not correctly (re)initialised when a parameter with an init value is defined
#3842 opened by AlexisDrogoul - 0
- 0
Experiments called "Experiment Something" are displayed as "Something" in the editor
#3845 opened by AlexisDrogoul - 4
- 0
Copy of geometries does not work: creates issues and side effects, especially for agents' shapes
#3846 opened by AlexisDrogoul - 2
Trace statement not working anymore
#3855 opened by lesquoyb - 4
Tooltip not visible on windows
#3844 opened by lesquoyb - 0
Exception when calculating the envelope of gml file
#3856 opened by lesquoyb - 0
SHIFT+CTRL+SPACE not working on macOS in 1.9.1
#3852 opened by AlexisDrogoul - 1
Lack of a check for data coherence in Moran()
#3848 opened by ScriBanana