runDREEP error
Opened this issue · 4 comments
I get this error when when I run this code. I am using your input and code <- DREEP::runDREEP(M = data$gficf, + n.markers = 500, + gsea = "simple", + gpds.signatures = c("CTRP2", "GDSC") ) 21:13:03 Loading GPDS signatures.. Error in readRDS(paste0(find.package("DREEP"), "/data/", i, ".gpds.rds")) : unknown input format
same error, could you plz tell me did yours solved? if yes, by how?
No solution yet, waiting for the authors to respond
I encountered this issue, and was able to fix it by downloading their GPDS files directly from this github. See here: #2 (comment)
Hi everyone, apologies for the delay in responding.
This seems to be a known issue when running the package on Windows or when for some reasons the GDPS in not fully downloade. The error message indicates that the GPDS file is corrupted in this case.
Thanks for pointing out a workaround solution!