
matrix_SNV.raw.vcf.gz unzipped in Step 5

Closed this issue · 3 comments

first of all, thank you for developing scNanoGPS. I am trying to do SNV calling from the raw fastq files of our sequencing. I was running into an issue in the 5th step (5.3. single cell SNV profile). This is the traceback of the error:

Merge Longshot result...
Merging part 10 of 10 ...
Generating final matrix...
Filtering by prevalence: 0.01 ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/hpc/pmc_holstege/oscar/scNanoGPS/snvcalling/../", line 540, in
merge_longshot(CB_list, options)
File "/hpc/pmc_holstege/oscar/scNanoGPS/snvcalling/../", line 136, in merge_longshot
File "/hpc/pmc_holstege/oscar/scNanoGPS/snvcalling/../", line 62, in filter_by_prevalence
fh =, options.o_pref) + '.raw.vcf.gz', 'rt')
File "/hpc/pmc_holstege/oscar/anaconda3/envs/scNanoGPS/lib/python3.9/site-packages/Bio/", line 273, in open
return BgzfReader(filename, mode)
File "/hpc/pmc_holstege/oscar/anaconda3/envs/scNanoGPS/lib/python3.9/site-packages/Bio/", line 617, in init
File "/hpc/pmc_holstege/oscar/anaconda3/envs/scNanoGPS/lib/python3.9/site-packages/Bio/", line 644, in _load_block
block_size, self._buffer = _load_bgzf_block(handle, self._text)
File "/hpc/pmc_holstege/oscar/anaconda3/envs/scNanoGPS/lib/python3.9/site-packages/Bio/", line 444, in _load_bgzf_block
raise ValueError(
ValueError: A BGZF (e.g. a BAM file) block should start with b'\x1f\x8b\x08\x04', not b'##fi'; handle.tell() now says 4

Looking into the scNanoGPS_res dir, I see that both matrix_SNV.raw.vcf.gz and matrix_SNV.filtered.vcf.gz have been created, but when I do 'file matrix_SNV.raw.vcf.gz' in the terminal this is the output: 'matrix_SNV.raw.vcf.gz: Variant Call Format (VCF) version 4.2, ASCII text, with very long lines'; and matrix_SNV.filtered.vcf.gz is empty. My intuition is that this file is not being zipped and is causing the problem, but I am not really sure how it works.

Do you have any suggestions on what might be causing the problem? Thank you a lot!


I agree with your intuition.
It looks like the vcf is failed to be compressed correctly in a certain step.

Please try the following command step-by-step:
(1) Make sure each one longshot result file is compressed

cat `ls tmp/longshot.output.*.vcf.gz | head -n 1` | head -n 1

Expected result should be in binary which could not be understand.
But when using zcat then it should be readable.

(2) Check vcf merging output is compressed

ls tmp/longshot.output.*.vcf.gz | split -l 500 - splitted_vcf_list_
bcftools merge -0 -l splitted_vcf_list_aa -Oz -o splitted_vcf_list_aa.merge.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf splitted_vcf_list_aa.merge.vcf.gz

From here, please check the file "splitted_vcf_list_aa.merge.vcf.gz" is compressed by using "zcat".

ls splitted_vcf_list_aa.merge.vcf.gz > final_vcf_list
bcftools merge -0 -l final_vcf_list -Oz -o test.vcf.gz

From here, please check the file "test.vcf.gz" is compressed.

Please keep me updated of the trial results.

I've updated line 126 to further guarantee the merged vcf file is compressed.
Please download again and run it again to see whether this fix the problem or not.


Hi Cheng-Kai,
thanks for the fast reply. The "test.vcf.gz" does work, there was a problem with my installation of bcftools (a dependency was not correctly installed). After doing ldd $(whereis bcftools) I had this problem: => not found
I added my base to my path and it works now.
Now I am running into another problem similar to #32. I tested with the --ref_genome example/GRCh38_chr22.fa argument and with my own data, but I run into the same problem. Maybe we can close this issue then?

I'm closing this issue.
I'll answer #32.