Develop methods that leverage copy number variations (CNVs) for gene mapping in association studies
- Slides for 03/23/17 CNV collaboration meeting
- Manuscript
- Other write-ups
- A background on the SuSiE model, Wang et al 2020
- A background on VB and MCMC
- Schizophrenia GWAS
- A background on VB-based variable selection model, Carbonetto and Stephens 2012
- An illustration to
implementation of Bayesian variable selection via sparse logistic regression
Please check out the reference
folder for more literature references.
- Conventional CNV association study in SCZ data
- SCZ data:
- sample size: ~1300
file- case-control data
- no sex chromosomes
- Reference gene panel
- Enrichment analysis via Fisher Exact Test
- SCZ data:
- Conventional CNV association study in simulated data as a diagnosis analysis
- Plot distribution of p-value from simulated data
- Simulation study scheme, a prototype
- Assessment of inclusion of covariates (work in progress)
- NUTS sampler for MCMC
- Give background of MCMC using spike-and-slab prior
- Examples of using
- Single effect model Bayesian logistic regression
- Background of method 'SIER'
- Code example of self-defined 'SIER'
- Workflow process for running simulation, genome partition and various numerical methods
- Summary and visualization of simulation results
- PIP calibration analysis and results
- ROC curve and calibrated mean-pip