
Look into strand flip issues in summary data

Closed this issue · 2 comments

gaow commented

@hsun3163 please fill up

In fact, the association test R script took care of the both the different reference issue and the strand flip issues. The function they used is quoted below.

Basically, it flip the sign of the Z-score and the SNP alleles of any SNP whose ref base does not matched that of the bim files. For the SNPs who may have the strand flip issues, i.e the one with AT or CG as ref and alt, as well as any snp that are not ACTG, the sum stat are removed from analysis.

In the future analysis, when we need to do association test with other molecular phenotype, we can reuse the following codes.

allele.qc = function(a1,a2,ref1,ref2) {
a1 = toupper(a1)
a2 = toupper(a2)
ref1 = toupper(ref1)
ref2 = toupper(ref2)

ref = ref1
flip = ref
flip[ref == "A"] = "T"
flip[ref == "T"] = "A"
flip[ref == "G"] = "C"
flip[ref == "C"] = "G"
flip1 = flip

ref = ref2
flip = ref
flip[ref == "A"] = "T"
flip[ref == "T"] = "A"
flip[ref == "G"] = "C"
flip[ref == "C"] = "G"
flip2 = flip;

snp = list()
snp[["keep"]] = !((a1=="A" & a2=="T") | (a1=="T" & a2=="A") | (a1=="C" & a2=="G") | (a1=="G" & a2=="C"))
snp[["keep"]][ a1 != "A" & a1 != "T" & a1 != "G" & a1 != "C" ] = F
snp[["keep"]][ a2 != "A" & a2 != "T" & a2 != "G" & a2 != "C" ] = F
snp[["flip"]] = (a1 == ref2 & a2 == ref1) | (a1 == flip2 & a2 == flip1)



Flip Z-scores for mismatching alleles

sumstat$Z[ qc$flip ] = -1 * sumstat$Z[ qc$flip ]
sumstat$A1[ qc$flip ] = genos$bim[qc$flip,5]
sumstat$A2[ qc$flip ] = genos$bim[qc$flip,6]

Remove strand ambiguous SNPs (if any)

if ( sum(!qc$keep) > 0 ) {
genos$bim = genos$bim[qc$keep,]
genos$bed = genos$bed[,qc$keep]
sumstat = sumstat[qc$keep,]

gaow commented

@hsun3163 that's neat -- we can indeed rely on their Rscript it seems.

Moving forward, I guess it is time to tighten up the analysis and apply to real data, for univariate TWAS? I just did that with @yuqimiao . We can discuss the details this afternoon then i'll work on your code.