ch3 visualizeGeometry.cpp Display Issue
Lakaai opened this issue · 2 comments
Lakaai commented
I can build, cmake and run the program (both plotTrajectory.cpp and visualizeGeometry.cpp) without issue except no object will display in the window. Click and dragging the mouse in the window will still change the rpy coordinates. If anyone has a solution to correctly display objects/trajectories using Pangolin please let me know.
zhuangce commented
AgathaZhang commented
你们在对pangolin库构建时,是一遍过的吗?我cmake之后提示缺少openGL和EGL库,我所使用的是ubuntu22.04,我在好几个镜像源中都没找到这俩库,我尝试sudo apt install mesa-utils libgl1-mesa-glx libgl-dev没有找到