- 1
CH12 点云建图 voxel filter报错
#307 opened by Leonicy - 2
ch3 visualizeGeometry.cpp Display Issue
#298 opened by Lakaai - 0
Can not find branch origin-en
#318 opened by odats - 0
ch3 四元数共轭公式
#317 opened by Xiao5454 - 0
ch13:找不到 -lglut
#316 opened by DownKate - 0
ch6 6.1.3 公式(6.21)中的矩阵H的前三行是否有误
#315 opened by KM-4869 - 0
missing header file causing" plotTrajectory.cpp:13:28: error: ‘Isometry3d’ was not declared in this scope"
#314 opened by zylinux - 5
#308 opened by chenqi0603 - 0
CH5 双目深度估计书中示例与代码库不匹配,书中显示结果为代码库版本
#313 opened by mikuflowera - 1
ch3 3.6.2实际的坐标变换例子 是否有错误
#310 opened by LadissonLai - 0
执行ch5/imageBasics/imageBasics.cpp 报了Gtk-Message:15:51:29.826: Failed to load moudle "canberra-gtk-module"
#312 opened by DoYouDo2020 - 4
- 0
ch3中执行./plotTrajectory报错 报错信息为: cannot find trajectory file at ./examples/trajectory.txt
#309 opened by DoYouDo2020 - 4
- 1
- 0
ch7 pose_estimation_2d2d
#305 opened by YZCOrange - 0
- 0
#302 opened by kate88xt - 0
Wrong Rodrigues’ formula
#301 opened by MichaelRazum - 1
ch7 安装g2o 编译时报错
#300 opened by FDwuyun - 6
ch3 plotTrajectory segmentation fault
#274 opened by nofreewill42 - 1
#264 opened by YunjuanSUN - 1
- 3
ch4 make Sophus库的时候报错
#297 opened by FDwuyun - 0
Two questions on ceres BA in CH9
#296 opened by C-H-Chien - 1
CMakeFiles/test_triangulation.dir/test_triangulation.cpp.o: In function `Sophus::SO3Base<Sophus::SO3<double, 0> >::normalize() [clone .part.1600]': test_triangulation.cpp:(.text.unlikely+0x141): undefined reference to `fmt::print(fmt::BasicCStringRef<char>, fmt::ArgList)' test_triangulation.cpp:(.text.unlikely+0x15a): undefined reference to `fmt::print(fmt::BasicCStringRef<char>, fmt::ArgList)'
#292 opened by MohanreddyMummareddy - 1
[ch12] 在单目稠密估计的示例代码中,关于坐标转化的疑问
#295 opened by Z-Xiong - 5
#294 opened by initialwing - 2
#293 opened by hanmmmmm - 2
ch3/X11 Error
#275 opened by chengchengt - 1
- 0
ch9 BA_g2o 用新库无法通过编译
#291 opened by sja3015 - 0
#290 opened by OpenAskDragon - 0
ch7 p178页关于三角化的矩阵T2的问题
#288 opened by Rosa712 - 1
ch6 g2oCurveFitting 运行报错
#268 opened by Jh271441 - 0
#286 opened by 031116 - 0
#281 opened by Yikkkkk - 0
ch7 pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp argument naming
#279 opened by Tershire - 2
#278 opened by yhd-ai - 1
#276 opened by lzsenior - 0
#273 opened by PengKunPROO - 2
#263 opened by cxn304 - 0
- 0
通过vscode编译代码,提示fatal error: opencv2/core/core.hpp: No such file or directory
#271 opened by BoBoINVICTUS - 0
- 0
#269 opened by JayChen1996 - 2
关于Ch6 123页 最小二乘公式引出的疑问
#267 opened by YangGangZhiQi - 0
ch13 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): OpenCV(4.2.0) ../modules/video/src/lkpyramid.cpp:1257: error: (-215:Assertion failed) (npoints = prevPtsMat.checkVector(2, CV_32F, true)) >= 0 in function 'calc'
#266 opened by yab-iyff - 0
关于 cv::RNG::gaussian() 使用的问题
#265 opened by Li-Jun-SD - 0
ch3 3.7.1中关于轨迹文件的解释
#262 opened by xiaochao00