

23. Enum

  • just integer
  • a set of values
  • a way to a name to a value


int A = 0;
int B = 1;
int C = 2;  // are not group

int main()
    int value = B;

    if(value == B){
        // Do something here    
// by defult the first one will be 0,
// increment one by one
enum Example : unsigned char{
    A, B, C

int main()
    Example value = B;

    if(value == B){
        // Do something here    

66. Type Punning

67. Union

  • only have one member
  • want multiple ways to address that same data


struct Union{
        float a;
        int b;

Union u;
u.a = 2.0f;
std::cout << u.a << ", " u.b << std::endl;