
simple implementation of a bluetooth DHT sensor on arduino

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the Homebridge accessory for bluetooth DHT sensor backed by an Arduino.

The Arduino sketch for the DHT sensors is included in the arduino directory within this repository.

This project is inspired by https://github.com/themainframe/homebridge-bt-temp-sensor


You'll need to use a Bluetooth frontend (like bluetoothctl) to pair your HC-06-like devices, then use rfcomm to bind the devices to Bluetooth serial ports:

rfcomm bind rfcomm0 00:11:22:33:44:55

Then configure Homebridge for each Bluetooth DHT sensor you've set up in ~/.homebridge/config.json:

"accessories": [
        "accessory": "BluetoothDHTSensor",
        "name": "Sensor 1",
        "port": "/dev/rfcomm0"