
Durham NCC PyTorch example

Primary LanguagePython

Durham NCC PyTorch example

This example is based on PyTorch MNIST example (https://github.com/pytorch/examples/tree/master/mnist) and has been adapted to work on NCC.

Creating a virtual environment and installing

Run the following commands to create a Python virtual environment and install torch in the environment.

virtualenv3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install torch torchvision

Note that every time that you would like to work on this project, you must source this environment with:

source env/bin/activate

Configuring your SLURM jobs

Have a look at the example SLURM batch file called example.slurm. This file defines how much resource to allocate to your job and how to run it. The file is divided in two parts. The first few lines starting with #SBATCH are interpreted by SLURM itself and used to determine how much resource to allocate to the job. The second part is a regular shell script which will be run on the compute node.

Running your code

To submit a job:

sbatch example.slurm

This command will send your job to the job queue and output the ID of the job.

To check the status of your job:


Look for the job id. Note that if you can’t find your job in the list, this means that your job already completed; this often happens if there was an error early on and your job crashed within seconds of starting.

The job output is written by SLURM in a file called slurm-JOBID.out. This file is written in real time however it might be updated only once in a while if your application is caching stdio. To avoid this problem with python, python must be run with the -u option (see example.slurm).

You can also cancel a job using:

scancel JOBID

While your job is running, start the program called stop (for SLURM top). It is similar to the well known Linux tool htop but adapted to SLURM. It will show a few real-time statistics about your job. This is useful to spot issues such as: not using the GPU, underutilising the GPU, high CPU or memory usage, etc.