
clear single-file JAX implementations of common RL algorithms

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

RL Implementations in JAX

Single-file implementations focused on clarity rather than proper code standards :)

Algo Path Discrete Actions Continuous Actions Multi-CPU Other
TRPO trpo/ trpo.py cont.py
PPO ppo/ ppo_disc.py ppo.py *_multi.py
MAML maml/ SineWave = maml_wave.py
DQN dqn.py
REINFORCE reinforce/ reinforce_jax.py reinforce_cont.py Pytorch = policy_grad.py
Time Comparison = reinforce_torchVSjax.py
DDPG ddpg/ ddpg_jax.py TD3_DDPG = ddpg_td3.py
A2C a2c/ a2c.py *_multi.py

For a better understanding of TRPO optimization check out Natural Gradient Descent without the Tears