- 19
Stuck at "AWX is Upgrading" page from hours
#48 opened by jains99 - 12
- 4
- 2
new IP range for Vagrant on MacOS
#91 opened by dspolleke - 1
- 2
Wrong url to description for modifying host file
#87 opened by imfredde - 1
- 4
- 0
Please add a license file to this repo
#86 opened by mbrukman - 0
- 0
- 0
- 5
Failing in "AWX installation Playbook"
#75 opened by jdhanasekar - 6
Gluster not syncing
#39 opened by marco69 - 2
- 2
- 2
- 2
Add monolithic AWX Installation example
#71 opened by geerlingguy - 2
- 2
The box you're attempting to add doesn't support the provider you requested.
#55 opened by hristo-yordanov-estafet - 8
awx - ansible remote provisioner: * The following settings shouldn't exist: become
#51 opened by laghao - 2
AWX - vagrant: initdb: directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata" exists but is not empty
#54 opened by maksimluzik - 2
AWX in local_docker
#50 opened by adelbot - 2
Add Travis CI integration for automated tests
#42 opened by geerlingguy - 4
rails fails to install due to activesupport
#37 opened by pgerhardt - 3
[feature request] WordPress please
#35 opened by corysimmons - 2
AWX: hangs during provision
#47 opened by jpmens - 1
- 2
- 1
Hi while working on Docker stack for Flask App receiving below error messages. How to resolve this please help I am using this example from version published on 2019-09-06
#78 opened by r4321reddy - 8
Base box not available for Solr
#63 opened by BuhtigithuB - 1
Unable to load docker-compose
#76 opened by jdhanasekar - 4
- 3
- 1
Use ubuntu bash on windows as control box?
#61 opened by dgmdevelopment - 0
ansible compatibility mode warning
#65 opened by BuhtigithuB - 0
- 1
- 0
Add Kubernetes example
#59 opened by geerlingguy - 1
TASK [Ensure Jenkins is installed.] failed
#58 opened by willis7 - 3
Docker example not working
#57 opened by geerlingguy - 8
- 1
The README for AWX contains
#45 opened by jpmens - 1 wrong link to the Ansible website
#49 opened by guntbert - 2
awx: The following settings shouldn't exist
#46 opened by jpmens - 1
vagrant up for elk does not work (nginx)
#43 opened by mkevac - 1
Installation manual for "ansible-vagrant-examples/docker/": Vagrant needs vagrant-hostmanager
#38 opened by rstribrn - 2
SSH connection times out on Drupal example
#34 opened by pasim - 3
wrong format of requirements.yml
#36 opened by ubermensh - 1
Example for PHP library development box
#33 opened by lsolesen