- 3
Default closure relation should be isa/partof
#30 opened by kltm - 2
- 2
#24 opened by kltm - 0
update rdf url in ontobio to reflect the path to the go RDF/SPARQL endpoint
#33 opened by sierra-moxon - 1
- 0
- 0
Create a minimal working setup
#19 opened by kltm - 0
add battery of ribbon and slimmer tests.
#43 opened by sierra-moxon - 0
add README to go-fastapi implementation
#40 opened by sierra-moxon - 0
add makefile for launching go-fastapi
#41 opened by sierra-moxon - 0
- 1
dockerize fastapi version of GO-API
#36 opened by sierra-moxon - 0
add back in bioentity/{id} endpoint
#38 opened by sierra-moxon - 1
migrate to fastapi
#35 opened by sierra-moxon - 0
Seth should be able to follow the recipe and spin up a local copy of the API.
#28 opened by sierra-moxon - 0
migrate to poetry
#34 opened by sierra-moxon - 0
handle itsdangerous errors from recent release
#25 opened by sierra-moxon - 2
- 0
return obsolete status and id replaced by fields in the ontology/term/ endpoint
#18 opened by sierra-moxon - 0
upgrade to python 3.7+, fix tests
#16 opened by sierra-moxon - 0
migrate go-fastapi to geneontology organization: currently I do not have permissions.
#46 opened by sierra-moxon - 3
support both https and http on the landing page (currently swagger and the link on the landing page show localhost and fail respectively).
#32 opened by sierra-moxon - 3
remove barista dependency in GO-CAM api (replace with a solr index, blazegraph, filesystem JSON output, lots of options here).
#45 opened by sierra-moxon - 0
migrate run_sparql_query calls to OAK - currently these calls are bypassing the class hierarchy in ontobio and instead calling a hardcoded SPARQL endpoint that we'd like to get rid of. (spoke to Chris about this dependency 1:1 and confirmed we want to migrate either to use the class hierarchy in ontobio, but since Oak is the next gen, it might be better just to use Oak).
#47 opened by sierra-moxon - 0
add utils tests
#48 opened by sierra-moxon - 1
test out root-path for configuring /api prefix & prepping for possible v1/v2 support in the URL.
#44 opened by sierra-moxon - 0
- 0
refactor ribbon call to slimmer by breaking out shared code into functions instead of calling one endpoint to another.
#37 opened by sierra-moxon - 2
- 1
- 0
Deploy the refresh of the GO API into production
#23 opened by kltm - 0
Clean and moderninze the GO API codebase
#22 opened by kltm - 2
- 14
- 1
SSL certificate renewal
#9 opened by lpalbou - 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
[Proposal] Mechanism to have implementation-specific route/parameters description and examples
#4 opened by lpalbou