This curation tool allows curators to make precise assertions as to when functions were gained and lost during evolution and record the evidence (e.g. experimentally supported GO annotations and phylogenetic information including orthology) for those assertions.
- balhoff@RENCI
- cmungallLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- dianeoinglis
- dougli1sqrd
- dustine32
- eemailme
- huaiyumi
- jhcloos
- jmcherry-zzStanford University
- kltmLBNL
- krchristieThe Jackson Laboratory
- mugitty
- paulwsternberg
- pgaudet
- sierra-moxonLBNL
- sujaypatil96Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- suzialeksander
- thomaspd
- tmushayahama
- tonysawfordebiEMBL-EBI
- ukemi
- vanaukenk