Code use to create COCO Attributes dataset and experiments in the associate ECCV 2016 paper.
- ashafaeiSkylab Technologies Inc.
- AudreyBeardStudioLAB at Walt Disney Studios
- BehnazDibayee
- bjouNew York
- bobbensWaseda University
- boostf
- chekhovana
- chenliu0831Bodylabs, Amazon, SageMaker
- Cuda-ChenSeeking for opportunities
- dachenlian@lopentu
- danyan1
- fatihbaltaci@getanteon
- guoyoyo11
- hzhang33BEI
- jacobswan1Amazon Alexa AI.
- jin-s13University of Hong Kong
- KaihuaTangFree Soul, Heavy Bill
- kyamagu@CyberAgentAILab
- LinaShanghaitechSVIP -ShanghaiTech
- MahmoudTamamAlexandria, Egypt
- michalwolsNew York
- mikulatomasPalacký University Olomouc
- ps48@aws, @opensearch-project
- RohithramCargill
- ruanshihaiSun Yat-sen University
- schuaBobPittsburgh
- tangjiuqi097
- techwitzNoida, India
- TheShadow29Meta
- TIan1874
- varunagrawalGeorgia Tech
- VieVie31Université Paris Cité
- xiyaofu
- XrosLiang
- zongdaomingShanghai,China