
Project based on GrapeTree, a fully interactive, tree visualization program within EnteroBase, which supports facile manipulations of both tree layout and metadata.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

COHESIVE - Grapetree with GIS integration

Project based on GrapeTree, a fully interactive, tree visualization program within EnteroBase, which supports facile manipulations of both tree layout and metadata. Please see more info here.

Instruction to run it locally

To see the project locally we need to run a web server, node packages http-server or live-server work pretty fine.


Node js

Download the latest stable release of NodeJS from https://nodejs.org and install it using all the default options.

Install and use http-server or live-server

Now you will be able to install http-server or live-server globally on your machine using the node package manager (npm) command line tool, this will allow you to run a web server from anywhere on your computer.


Open the terminal and write:

npm install -g http-server

To start a web server, in terminal open the directory containing your static web files and start the server with the following command:



npm install live-server -g

To start a web server, in terminal open the directory containing your static web files and start the server with the following command:


Run GrapeTree locally

Download the .zip of the code from this repository, then unzip on a directorry DIR_GRAPETREE (for example: /tmp/grapetree-gis-main).

Source files in place

Produce your newick (tree.nwk) and metadata (meta.tsv) files and copy them inside DIR_GRAPETREE, then on terminal:

live-server DIR_GRAPETREE

Now you will be able to load data by url in your web browser, for example:


In the project you will find a tmp folder with some example data to load, you can use url to see them as well:


Load geoJSON data

The dashboard is able to interpret .geojson file passed as geo parameter by query string:


Alternatively you can integrate in metadata.tsv longitute and latitude values and pass them as query string parameters in the place of geoJSON.

For example, if in the .tsv you define x for longitude and y for latitude, just add &longitude=x&latitude=y in the url:


Using our data example:



If you use longitude and latitude to name coordinates in the .tsv file, there is no need to pass them as query string parameters, so simply use:


Load a compatible JSON file

Dashboard allows you to download a JSON file including metadata and configurations. Generated JSON file can be loaded with the Load GrapeTree button present in Inputs/Outputs card.

Dev notes

Zoom behaviour

To remove the mousewheel behaviour for zoom, add .on("wheel.zoom", null) to base_tree.js on line 931 after .on("dblclick.zoom", null).

Original tree button: event behaviour description and changes - WIP

The Original tree button originally call loadMSTree() with the tree_raw object as an argument. The tree_raw is builded in grapetree_fileHandler.js depending on the load method. When we start loading a .nwk file we does not have metadata associated, so the tree_raw object will not have this kind of information in itself.

This will affect the go back behaviour that we expect from the Original tree button, in fact it will redraw te tree with no metadata information.

The behaviour change (and goes right) if we start loading a complete .json file (you could obtain it by clicking on Save GrapeTree or by code the_tree.getTreeAsObject();).

So to match our needs we changed a bit the grapetree_fileHandler.js as follow.

We basically use only the load from url method to serve our GrapeTrees, so we changed the loadNetFiles() function from:

function loadNetFiles() {
  /* .... */
  finally {
    tree_raw = data;
  /* .... */


function loadNetFiles() {
  /* .... */
  finally {
    // tree_raw = data;
    // loadMSTree(tree_raw);
    // to use original tree button we need tree_raw populated with an object containing also metadata. Please find more in the README.md file under Dev notes paragraph
  /* .... */

And then we populate the tree_raw object after the loadMetadataText() function adding tree_raw = the_tree.getTreeAsObject(); at the end of parseMetadata() operations:

function parseMetadata (msg,lines,header_index){
  /* .... */
  tree_raw = the_tree.getTreeAsObject();

This allow us to save the initial state of the tree and retrieve when user click on Original tree. On MSTree_object_holder.html :

$("#button-goback").click(function(e) {

Not yet happy ending, problems on map still to be solved, and also static redraw is not working after the original tree button is clicked. For the moment we use a location reload to do the trick.

Inconsistent behavior between hide and shorten functionalities in Branch style > branches longer than:

Reported an inconsistent behaviour: the hide option didn't work as the "shorten" and "collapse" options.


D3MSTree.prototype._drawLinks = function () {
  var self = this;
    .style('stroke', 'black')
    .style('opacity', function (it) {
      return (it.value >= self.hide_link_length) ? '0.0' : '1.0';
    .attr('stroke-dasharray', function (it) {
      return (self.max_link_length && it.value > self.max_link_length) ? "3,5" : "";
    .attr("stroke-width", "1px");

  this.link_elements.selectAll(".distance-label").attr("font-size", this.link_font_size);


D3MSTree.prototype._drawLinks = function () {
  var self = this;
    .style('stroke', 'black')
    .style('opacity', function (it) {
      return (it.value > self.hide_link_length) ? '0.0' : '1.0'; // changed >= in > after inconsistent bug report with shorten and collapsed behaviour
    .attr('stroke-dasharray', function (it) {
      return (self.max_link_length && it.value > self.max_link_length) ? "3,5" : "";
    .attr("stroke-width", "1px");

  this.link_elements.selectAll(".distance-label").attr("font-size", this.link_font_size);


