
Setting up

$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd service-tileservergl
$ make user

If already cloned, make sure you initialize the submodule tileserver-gl.

$ git submodule init && git submodule update

Create a new tile tileset and update the server

Setup tippecanoe

Install dependencies

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libsqlite3-dev zlib1g-dev python-virtualenv npm docker-compose
// The current version of geoadmin/tippecanoe needs gcc 4
$ sudo apt-get install gcc-4.8 g++-4.8
$ export CXX=g++-4.8

Compile tippecanoe

$ cd $HOME
$ git clone
$ cd tippecanoe
$ make

Create a new tileset

To create a new tileset you need one to many GeoJSON files in ESPG:3857 in the same folder.

Let's use the file sample/swissboundaries_gemeinde_3857.json.

The process of a creating a new tileset involves 3 phases at the moment. All these steps are performed via scripts/

1 Combine GeoJSONs

Create GeoJSON headers and if needed combine the geojson input files into one GeoJSON file (Note that this will work only if there is one line per Feature in the GeoJSON).

2 Modify GeoJSON

Add tippecanoe extensions. We currently use it only the create the "tippecanoe" nested field for minzoom and maxzoom red from the initial GEOJSON file. "properties": {"minzoom": 6, "maxzoom": 16} becomes "properties": { "tippecanoe" : {"minzoom": 6, "maxzzoom": 16} } This will tell tippecanoe at which zoom level each individual feature is available.

3 Create the tileset

Create a new tile tileset with .mbtiles extension. (a sqlite3 database) Here is a list of tippecanoe options we currently use to create a new tileset.

All in one script

$ ./scripts/

-h --help
--maxzoom        Maximum zoom level to generate tiles [default:15]
--minzoom        Minimum zoom level to generate tiles [default:6]
--inputs         List of input files [default:""]
--outputpath     Directory for output files [default: .]
--tilesetname    File pattern for output files [default: composite]

Usage example:
$ ./scripts/ --inputs="data/tiles/base.json data/tiles/adds.json" --outputpath=data/tiles --tilesetname=composite

Now try:

$ ./scripts/ --inputs="sample/swissboundaries_gemeinde_3857.json" --outputpath=sample --tilesetname=boundaries

This will create 3 files.

Composite JSON: sample/boundaries.geojson
Modified JSON: sample/boundaries_modified.geojson
Composite MBTile: sample/boundaries.mbtiles
  • The combined or composite GeoJSON (step 1)
  • The modified GeoJSON with tippecanoe extensions (step 2)
  • The new tileset containing the mbtiles (step 3)

Publish a new tileset in tileserver-gl

tileserver-gl configuration is hold in tileserver-gl/tileserver-gl-config.json

1 Add the tileset to EFS

Make sure your ssh identity has been forwarded.

$ ssh-add -L

Add the newly created tileset to EFS.

$ scp sample/boundaries.mbtiles geodata@${SERVER}:/var/local/efs-dev/vector-forge/swisstopo-tiles

2 Add the new tileset in tileserver-gl

Edit tileserver-gl/tileserver-gl-config.json and add a new entry in data. (dataID -> tilesetName)

  "data": {
    "boundaries-test": {
      "mbtiles": "boundaries.mbtiles"
  • boundaries-test is the id of the data ${dataID}
  • boundaries.mbtiles is the name of the mbtiles file

3 Test the new server configuration locally

Make sure you created a SSH tunnel via the -L localhost:8134:localhost:8134 option.

Then create the docker containers locally via

$ make dockerpurge dockerrun

Open your browser at localhost:8134. In the section DATA you should now see the boundaries entry.

You can collect metdata about the tileset using the following REST endpoint: /data/boundaries-test.json (/data/${dataID}.json)

Publish a new style in tileserver-gl

1 Add a new style entry in tileserver-gl

Styles are base on Mapbox Style Specification

Insert a new entry in "styles" in tileserver-gl/tileserver-gl-config.json.

  "styles": {
    "boundaries-test": {
      "style": "boundaries_style.json",
      "server_rendered": true,
      "tilejson": {
        "bounds": [
  • boundaries-test is the id of the style ${styleID}
  • style is the name of the style file
  • server_rendered is the option that lets you turn on/off the backend rasterization.
  • bounds tells tileserver-gl what initial bounds you want to use.

2 Add a new style file to EFS

For demonstration purposes a simple style is provided in sample/boundaries_style.json.

$ scp sample/boundaries_style.json geodata@${SERVER}:/var/local/efs-dev/vector-forge/swisstopo-styles

3 Test the new server configuration locally

$ make dockerpurge dockerrun

Open your browser at localhost:8135. In the section STYLES you should now see the Test Swiss Boundaries entry.

You can access the new style using the following REST endpoint: /styles/boundaries-test/style.json (/styles/${styleID}/style.json)

Tip: when you just want to update a GL style and containers are already running.

$ scp sample/boundaries_style.json geodata@${SERVER}:/var/local/efs-dev/vector-forge/swisstopo-styles
$ docker-compose down
$ docker-compose up -d

Update Maputnik

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd editor
$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ rm -rf  ~/service-tileservergl/nginx/maputnik
$ mv public ~/service-tileservergl/nginx/maputnik

Change the base

$ vi nginx/maputnik/index.html

Add the following line in the head section.

<base href="/maputnik/">

Re-run the server then open your browser to http://localhost:8134/maputnik

$ make dockerpurge dockerrun