Lab Assignments and Exam Answers for the Microprocessor Systems course, during the 6th semester of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens.
There were 5 lab assignments in total, each one consisting of a set of problems. These problems had to be solved using the following simulators.
- μLab - Simulator for the 8085 microprocessor
- Atmel AVR Studio 7 - Simulator for AVR microcontrollers
- EasyAVR6 + Flash programmer - Drivers for the EasyAVR6 development board
- emu8086 - Simulator for the 8086 microprocessor
The topics covered by each assignment follow.
- 8085 Microprocessor
- Assembly Language
- Machine Code
- Delays
- I/O Ports
- Subroutines
- Verilog HDL
- Logic Gates
- Mealy and Moore Machines
- Cost Analysis and Design Optimization
- Buttons
- 7-Segment Display
- Memory Addresses
- Memory Control Signals
- Memory Mapping
- Interrupts
- Macros
- PC and SP
- Data Transfer
- AVR Microcontroller
- C Programming
- Debugging and Breakpoints
- 8086 Microprocessor
- Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal Number Systems
- Number Conversion
- ADC Converter
- Error Handling
There were 2 exams in total. The naming convention is YYx-identifier
is the year of the examx
is the exam type (a for the regural one and b for the retake one)identifier
is the identifier of the file (answers or questions)