
The Laravel API and website behind geoloupix.

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Geoloupix API


Geoloupix is an app to share and save your favorites locations with a click. The project is devided into two parts, the app itself and the api on witch the app is pulling its ressources from (what you have here). This repository shows everything that is on our webserver. Each commit is instantly sent to our server using Github Actions. Feel free to join our discord server : https://discord.gg/37qccrP9eX


This side of the project (API) is using PHP v8.0.2 and the Laravel framework v9.6.0. Check out this repository for the frontend (App)

Use the API

The API is public and can be accessed here : https://geoloupix.fr/api

But you can also just clone the source code, setup the .env file

Documentation is available here : https://developers.geoloupix.fr

Files explanation


You can find a bit of my code everywhere, if you want to know where is what, you can take a look to the file tree

To check all packages, a list is available under ./composer.json

File tree

As we know, not everyone is familiar with laravel nor the way I (Marc) decided to use it for this project so I'll create a file tree If you see a file in the project not listed here, it means we don't really created it nor use it. Everything needed to understand what we've done so far is documented bellow

    /workflows/ => Where we store the action that upload modifications to the webserver
        /Controllers => Folder where all the logic is
            /API => Folder where all API controllers are
                /FolderController.php => All logic responsable of Folders
                /LocationController.php => All logic reponsable of Locations
                /UserController.php => All logic responsable of Users
        /Middleware => Folder where store the modules that intercept the request and verify some parameters
            /EnsureAllRequiredParams.php => Middleware used to reject requests if it doesn't have all parameters required
            /EnsureTokenIsValid.php => Middleware used to reject requests if there is no token or if it's invalid (when we need it)
    /Models => Where we store our objects class
        /Folder.php => Folder class
        /Location.php => Locaiton class
        /Share.php => Share class
        /Token.php => Token class
        /User.php => User class
/config => All config files
    /factories => Folder where we stored all "fatories" (is a file to create a "fake" item)
        /FolderFactory.php => Example: In this file we wrote what's needed to create a "fake" folder
    /migrations => Files specifying how each database table should be created
    /seeders => File executed to seed the database with all the factories
/ressources => Folder storing all public ressources (css/js/html)
/routes => Where all URL is defined
    /api.php => All URLs for the API (https://geoloupix.fr/api/**)
    /web.php => All "public" URLs (https://geoloupix/**)
.env.example => Examble of the file where we have all our environement variables (passwords/usernames/sensitive stuff)


As you might know, for this API I made a roadmap to let others see where I was and what as working

So here is a list off all the routes arable and what they (should) do

  • /register [POST] - Create a new user and gives a token
  • /login [POST] - Login an existing user and gives a token
  • /password-reset [POST] - Send a link to reset an existing user's password
  • /user
    • [GET] - Get information back about an existing user from a token
    • [PATCH] - Modify an existing user data
    • [DELETE] - Delete an existing user
  • /location
    • [GET] - Get information about all or one specific location
    • [POST] - Create a new location
    • [PATCH] - Modify an existing location
    • [DELETE] - Delete an existing location
  • /folder
    • [GET] - Get all content from a folder
    • [POST] - Create a new folder
    • [PATCH] - Modify folder name ?
    • [DELETE] - Delete a folder
  • /share
    • [GET] - Get all shared locations
    • [POST] - Share a location with an user
    • [DELETE] - An user to a shared lccation
  • /tokens
    • [GET] - Get all INFORMATIONS about all the tokens of an user
    • [DELETE] - Revoke ALL tokens