
The mobile app of geoloupix powered by Flutter.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Geoloupix application


For our last year of high school, we have a project to realize in Computer Science. We chose to create a mobile application about geolocations, read more about it here.

We finally decided to ship a Windows app as it's easier to work with and Flutter allows to do so really easily.

Mockups where made on Figma for the mobile app, but it feats well on desktop too. Open it or check the embed below.


For this project, we're using Flutter 3.0.1, a cross-platform Dart powered framework. More details about the backend (API) here.

Having a look at Dart language tour is recommended to understand the code.

Using the app

App executable are available in the repository's releases section. View latest.

To use it, download the archive Geoloupix-windows.zip, unzip it and run the executable.

Code explanation


All the code is located in the /lib folder, any other file/folder is for assets or configuration.

If you want to check the packages used for the project, you can open /pubspec.yaml and go to https://pub.dev/packages/<package name>, replacing <package_name> under dependencies.

Example :

  flutter_map: ^0.14.0

Go to https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_map.


Any mentionned files/folders are located in the /lib folder.

In Dart, the application entrypoint is the main() function located in main.dart.

The application uses a MVC (Model View Controller) architecture. The model is the data, the view is the UI and the controller is the logic. The code is not strictly organized like so but such things are stored in specific folders:

  • Models are stored in app/models
  • Views are stored in screens and widgets
  • Controllers are stored in app/controllers

Code dedicated to more "global" logic is stored in app/core. For instance, it contains constants, global variables used across the app (such as authController), a custom router and key value store (KVS) storage interface on top of flutter_secure_storage. Several implementations here have been imported/adapted from previous work in yNotes.


Here is the availability of the screens:

  • /loading
  • /auth
  • /auth/login
  • /auth/register
  • /home
  • /search
  • /profile
  • /notifications
  • /storage/:id
  • /share
  • /add

Even if the screens are available, many features are not available.

Available features

Here is the list of the features available in the app:

  • Login (and stay connected between sessions)
  • Register
  • Logout
  • View markers on a map and interact with them (zoom)
  • View markers and categories in a file explorer like interface (recursive)
  • View profile details (username and email)

This is not a lot of features but we couldn't do much more with such time.



$ git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m "Release vX.Y.Z"
$ git push --follow-tags