Item Catalog

This REST project provides a list of items within a variety of categories as well as providing a user registration and authentication system. Registered user have the ability to post edit and delete their own items.

Framework used in this project are:

  • Bootstrap
  • Flask
  • SQLAChemy
  • OAuth with Facebook and Goolge Login


This project makes use of Linux-based virtual machine (VM) as the preceding lessons.


Vagrant is the software that configures the VM and lets you share files between your host computer and the VM's filesystem.


VirtualBox is the software that actually runs the virtual machine.The supported version of VirtualBox to install is version 5.1. Newer versions do not work with the current release of Vagrant.

VM Configuration

Download this repo: and from your terminal cd to the vagrant folder

Start the Virtual Machine

From the vagrant subdirectory run the command:

vagrant up

When vagrant up is finished running run the command below to log int to the installed Linux VM:

vagrant ssh


To run the program first setup the database by running from vagrant python and then python from the command line